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Re: datasetNamer: using DodsAttrib
- Subject: Re: datasetNamer: using DodsAttrib
- Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 09:18:44 -0600
Hi Mark,
Are you getting a resulting file at all? From the "Got DAS" messages, it looks
like some of the datasets are getting named (or at least getting to the point of
getting information from the DODS datasets. I'm wondering if the warning is when
it tries to name the directory level datasets using the DodsAttrib namer.
Mark A Ohrenschall wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to use the catalog generator on a bunch of netCDF files, and to use
> the datasetNamer to grab the global attribute "title" out of the netCDF files,
> rather than on the file name. I get the following output when I try:
> [mao@panther THREDDS]$ /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_02/bin/java -classpath
> cataloggen-0.7a4.jar:thredds.jar:jdom-b8.jar:dods.1.1.1.jar
> thredds.cataloggen.CatalogGen file:///home/mao/THREDDS/saatest.xml trash;
> head trash
> readMetadataContent=[Element: <catalogGenConfig [Namespace:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds]/>]
> WARNING -- DatasetNamer.nameDatasetDodsAttrib(): dataset is not DODS
> accessible and so cannot be named using DODS attributes.
> Got DAS
> Got DAS
> Got DAS
> ...
> Here's my XML:
> <!DOCTYPE catalog SYSTEM
> "http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/xml/CatalogGenConfig.0.5.dtd">
> <catalog name="my data" version="0.6">
> <dataset name="SAA netCDF Products" dataType="Grid">
> <metadata metadataType="CatalogGenConfig">
> <catalogGenConfig type="Catalog">
> <datasetSource name="ds source" type="Local" structure="DirTree"
> accessPoint="/data/www/html/dods/saa/Products/netcdf/">
> <resultService name="DODSserver" serviceType="DODS"
> base="http://panther.ngdc.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/dods/nph-dods/dods/"
> accessPointHeader="/data/www/html/dods/"/>
> <datasetNamer name="netCDF namer" type="DodsAttrib"
> addLevel="false" attribName="title" attribContainer="NC_GLOBAL"/>
> <datasetFilter name="My Test" type="RegExp"
> matchPattern="\/.+\.cdf$"/>
> </datasetSource>
> <datasetNamer name="dir namer" type="RegExp" addLevel="false"
> matchPattern="(.*)" substitutePattern="dir $1"/>
> </catalogGenConfig>
> <datasetNamer name="dir namer" type="RegExp" addLevel="false"
> matchPattern="(.*)" substitutePattern="dir $1"/>
> </metadata>
> </dataset>
> </catalog>
> It seems to me that the datasets are in fact DODS accessible, i.e., on a
> previous version of generated output using a datasetNamer based on filename, I
> am able to access the datasets through the generated output (THREDDS catalog)
> using IDV.
> What am I doing wrong? (Am I using the wrong attribContainer value?)
> Thanks,
> Mark
Ethan R. Davis Telephone: (303) 497-8155
Software Engineer Fax: (303) 497-8690
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