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Fwd: Re: Annoying problem: embedded HTML in body of documentation tag
- Subject: Fwd: Re: Annoying problem: embedded HTML in body of documentation tag
- Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 17:44:36 -0500
----- Forwarded message from Rob Raskin <address@hidden> -----
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 14:41:59 -0800
From: Rob Raskin <address@hidden>
Reply-To: Rob Raskin <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Annoying problem: embedded HTML in body of documentation tag
To: Benno Blumenthal <address@hidden>
This doesn't even sound like a documentation - its sounds like a
reference, which might need its own XML tags - title, author, etc. That
my be going above and beyond what is needed, but it would make sense to
have a Reference tag and associated fields.
Benno Blumenthal wrote:
> Hello Rob,
> That certainly makes sense in the abstract: my particular example is
> <documentation>KAPLAN Indices: of RSA_MOHSST5; from Kaplan et al. 1998:
> <i>JGR</i>, <b>103</b>, 18,567-18,589, and Cane et al. 1997: <i>Science</i>,
> <b>275</b>, 957--960, and those related to them</documentation>
> which does not seem to rate a separate page.
> Benno
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