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[Fwd: THREDDS Catalog Validator]

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To whom it may concern,

I tried to validate my own catalog xml file using Catalog Validator 
My xml file: 

The resule that I got is as below:

  THREDDS Catalog Validation Page Results


                                 is Valid 

----Catalog Validation version 0.6.02 

**Dataset (3) (Example CGD/CAS/ISCCP datasets/ISCCP.199502.T42.nc): is not 
selectable and
does not have nested datasets 

**Dataset (3) (Example CGD/CAS/ISCCP datasets/ISCCP.CLM.T42.nc): is not 
selectable and
does not have nested datasets 

**Dataset (3) (Example CGD/CAS/ISCCP datasets/ISCCP.SFCFLUX.nc): is not 
selectable and
does not have nested datasets 


My question are what the last several sentences mean, whether I need to and how 
to change my xml file for these error messages. 
Below is my xml file:

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<catalog xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/thredds"; 
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; version="0.6" name="Test catalog">
<!--documentation xlink:href="http://www.ccsm.ucar.edu/index.html"; 
xlink:show="new" xlink:title="CCSM home page">
Please visit the CCSM project home page for further details about the CCSM 
modeling initiative
<dataset name="Example CGD/CAS/ISCCP datasets">
<service base="http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/catalog/satellite/isccp/netCDF/"; 
serviceType="NetCDF" name="NetCDF" />
<dataset urlPath="ISCCP.199502.T42.nc" name="ISCCP.199502.T42.nc">
<metadata metadataType="NetCDF" 
502.T42.xml"  />
<dataset urlPath="ISCCP.CLM.T42.nc" name="ISCCP.CLM.T42.nc">
<metadata metadataType="NetCDF" 
.T42.xml" />
<dataset urlPath="ISCCP.SFCFLUX.nc" name="ISCCP.SFCFLUX.nc">
<metadata metadataType="NetCDF" 
FLUX.nc" />

Thanks a lot for all your help!


Hongjun Zhang
Climate and Global Dynamics Division/CAS Section
phone: (303) 497-1384 (office)
fax  : (303) 497-1333 
email: address@hidden

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