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Web Map Service
- Subject: Web Map Service
- Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 18:19:42 -0600
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: New Catalog XML Draft
> # John Caron wrote:
> # > c.. add new
service types: (DODS | ADDE | NetCDF | Catalog | FTP
> #
> | OpenGIS | WSDL | Other)
> I agree that instead of OpenGIS you need explicit WMS, WFS,
> Joe Wielgosz writes:
> # How much effort should
THREDDS put into supporting particular data
> # provider site
> # [...]
> # If you look at different data providers
websites, they all have their
> # own way of mapping datasets,
collections and access methods to URLS, and
> # some are quite complex.
They might use any combination of different base
> # URLs, subpaths or
suffixes, CGI parameters, or who knows what else.
> The OpenGIS
services (e.g., Web Map Service--WMS) list a URL prefix for
> each
operation supported by a particular machine. The prefix includes
hostname and, as needed, port number, path, and some CGI parameters.
The entire prefix is just an opaque string. Then, the specification
> says
what parameters are to be added to the prefix in order to
> construct a
valid request for each operation.
> Examples for WMS:
> URL prefix:
> http://globe.digitalearth.gov/viz-bin/wmt.cgi>
> Complete URL to request service metadata:
> http://globe.digitalearth.gov/viz-bin/wmt.cgi?request=GetCapabilities>
> Complete URL to request a particular map:
> http://globe.digitalearth.gov/viz-bin/wmt.cgi?request=GetMap&layers=RTOPO&styles=REFPIXEL&srs=EPSG:4326&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&width=512&height=256&format=image/gif>
> In the last example showing the GetMap request, most of the
> are variable. I'm not sure whether in the THREDDS catalog it
is best
> to include only the URL prefix and let the client form a valid
> request, or include one of the possible complete GetMap URLs so
> all clients can at least retrieve something while WMS-aware
> can modify the URL. Probably the second, more helpful option is
> in this context.
> -Jeff DLB, WMS 1.1
Thanks for the concrete example (nice picture, too!). A few
Can one figure out all the possible parameter values from the
WMT_MS_Capabilities document?
Does the WMS spec allow the client to specify the projection
In the specific example above of the topo map, can the client
specify/discover what the false color mapping is?