Ted,Thanks for your response. It made it clear that my initial message was indeed not clear on an important point.
That is, I did not mean to imply that the DC-Ed metadata was the only metadata to be generated. We are also working on the metadata needed in the THREDDS environment for connecting THREDDS applications to THREDDS servers. However, since we are part of the NSDL and their discovery metadata seems to be a managable set we could use in the initial experiments with the automated tools, my idea was to use that as a starting point for the discovery side of the metadata issue. It would enable us to work with DLESE to see whether the NSDL spec fits with the discovery systems they are building which are currently oriented more toward educational modules.
I hope that clarifies the point that my idea for the initial version of the tools would generate metadata that includes THREDDS usage metadata AND NSDL discovery metadata.
But I'd be pleased to learn about any existing SOFTWARE that we could use that would help us get started quickly generating metadata for the more detailed specifications for the kinds of data populating our servers.
-- Ben--On Friday, December 21, 2001 12:02 PM -0700 Ted Habermann <address@hidden> wrote:
Hello all, I would agree strongly with Jeff. Actually I think he is extending the original idea of Confucius. Few people know that when he said "Every journey starts with a few steps" he was really talking about software development projects or that he then said "and it is really hard to turn around!". Starting with this very small set of metadata fields is particularly ironic when we hear so many people complaining about the lack of "Use Metadata" that they need to actually do something with the data. I would expect that LDM is a use metadata rich environment. To bad to lose it all. A bunch of links to metadata crosswalks at: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/interoperability/ Information on the remote sensing extensions to FGDC that you are going to need for the types of data you are interested in: http://www.fgdc.gov/standards/status/csdgm_rs_ex.html. Somewhere I had a PPT on this extension, but I can't track it down electronically... Ted Habermann