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[python #LLR-954564]: MetPY -- adding/updating symbols
- Subject: [python #LLR-954564]: MetPY -- adding/updating symbols
- Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 12:28:18 -0600
The font was originally created using IcoMoon:
by importing those SVGs and creating a TTF; some of the SVGs needed to be
modified (clean up the paths in some way) to produce good results.
Unfortunately, somewhere along the line the modified files and icomoon project
file was lost, so updating the font to add those symbols will require
recreating it from scratch.
I'm amenable to having the font updated, but no idea when we'll have the cycles
internally to begin to look at this. Happy to see a community contribution to
do it, or even better, find something more scriptable to do this.
> Hi,
> I would like to add past weather symbols from
> https://github.com/OGCMetOceanDWG/WorldWeatherSymbols/tree/master/symbols/W1W2_PastWeather
> to metPy so I can use them when I plot station circles. I can't see any
> obvious documentation on how to do this. Is there some? Or can you give me
> some hints on how do it? (I also note that the fonts are 5 years old and
> there have been a few updates to WorldWeatherSymbols since then).
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LLR-954564
Department: Support Python
Priority: Low
Status: Closed
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