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[python #GPD-109280]: MetPy Monday #89 Code Question
- Subject: [python #GPD-109280]: MetPy Monday #89 Code Question
- Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 15:59:22 -0600
The approach taken in that video is handling the fact that the points that were
given in the shapefile were coordinates in a Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC)
projection. My best guess is SPC previously generated the points directly in an
LCC projection and shipped those raw points in the shapefile; then, recently,
they started sending out those points converted to lat/lon coordinates instead.
Regardless, I was able to make things work by changing the offending line to
`data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree()`
So the complete set of functional code is:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas
from cartopy import crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
%matplotlib inline
cat_gdf = geopandas.read_file('./day1otlk-shp/day1otlk_cat.shp')
map_crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_latitude = 35, central_longitude =
-100, standard_parallels = (30, 60))
data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree()
cat_plot_colors = {2: 'palegreen', 3: 'green', 4: 'yellow', 5: 'brown', 6:
'red', 7: 'magenta'}
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize = (14, 12))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, projection = map_crs)
ax.set_extent([-130, -72, 20, 55], ccrs.PlateCarree())
for key in cat_plot_colors.keys():
geometries = cat_gdf[cat_gdf['DN'] == key]
if len(geometries) > 0:
ax.add_geometries(geometries['geometry'], crs = data_crs,
facecolor = cat_plot_colors[key], edgecolor = 'black', alpha = 0.5)
> I’m having trouble with the code outlined in one of the MetPy Monday video
> tutorials for the SPC convective outlook maps.
> Line 8 of the code in the video is ---
> data_crs = ccrs.LambertConformal(central_latitude=cat_gdf.crs['lat_0'],
> central_longitude=cat_gdf.crs['lon_0'],
> standard_parallels=(cat_gdf.crs['lat_1'], cat_gdf.crs['lat_2']))
> This works fine, obviously, in the video. However, when I go to put this
> into my system, I get a “TypeError: ‘CRS’ object is not subscriptable”
> message. Is there a fix or a workaround for this line of code to work so
> that the rest of the code works and the map can be plotted?
> Thanks for any input and help!
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GPD-109280
Department: Support Python
Priority: Low
Status: Closed
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