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[python #UUX-823225]: Blurred output trying to visualize GOES16 near the edge of the CONUS sector
- Subject: [python #UUX-823225]: Blurred output trying to visualize GOES16 near the edge of the CONUS sector
- Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 18:47:27 -0600
Apologies for the delayed response.
I don't have the library you're using to download the GOES data, but I tried to
replicate using the raw GOES 16 data I have available. To my eye, I'm not
seeing any unexpected bluriness.
Can you send an image with the blurring you describe? Can you also send an
image that looks as sharp as you expect?
> Hi, while trying to visualize GOES 16 CONUS sector observation with the
> following script I'm having a blurred output that is certainly supposed to
> appear due to the region defined by my set_extent close to the edge of the
> conus sector.
> The thing is that is very common to find differents visualization for the
> same region in the web with a very nice (not blurred) viasualization like "
> https://weather.msfc.nasa.gov/goes/abi/goesEastconusband02.html". So, I'm
> wondering if there is some kind of correction that can be applied in order
> to have a nicer visualization.
> import metpy
> from goes2go.data import goes_latest
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> import cartopy.crs as ccrs
> import numpy as np
> import xarray
> # Download a GOES ABI dataset
> G = goes_latest()
> ch2 = G["CMI_C02"].data
> ch2 = np.clip(ch2, 0, 1)
> gamma = 2.2
> ch2 = np.power(ch2, 1 / gamma)
> # We'll use the `CMI_C02` variable as a 'hook' to get the CF metadata.
> dat = G.metpy.parse_cf("CMI_C02")
> geos = dat.metpy.cartopy_crs
> # We also need the x (north/south) and y (east/west) axis sweep of the ABI
> data
> x = dat.x
> y = dat.y
> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=200)
> # Create axis with Geostationary projection
> ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=geos)
> # Add the RGB image to the figure. The data is in the same projection as the
> # axis we just created.
> ax.imshow(
> ch2, cmap="Greys_r", origin="upper", extent=(x.min(), x.max(),
> y.min(), y.max()), transform=geos
> )
> # ax.set_extent([-100, -90, 17.5, 20.2], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
> ax.set_extent([-72.2, -68, 17.5, 20.2], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UUX-823225
Department: Support Python
Priority: Low
Status: Closed
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