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[python #LBW-397273]: Error with cartopy and Python 3.8 (Mac + Linux)
- Subject: [python #LBW-397273]: Error with cartopy and Python 3.8 (Mac + Linux)
- Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 16:34:39 -0600
Hello! Thanks for reaching out, and thanks for the helpful information.
Unfortunately, with my own sample global GFS data, I'm unable to recreate this
error in an environment identical to yours and in a similar, newer environment,
across multiple machines. A sample of the data you're plotting might be helpful
for me to faithfully recreate your code, but I've matched it fully as I'm able.
Either way, I might have a few suggestions to try:
First, I'd save a snippet of your data after processing. Then, with a new, bare
minimum conda-only (no pip!) environment with *only* cartopy+matplotlib and
whatever you need to open your data snippet, give this another try. Your error
seems to indicate that your environment is not polluted by incorrectly linked
libraries, pip installations, etc., but this could still be the case. If you've
done something like install cartopy/shapely via pip, then update with conda,
this could be an issue. Let me know the results of this!
Another option might be to delete your cached cartopy features and re-download
them if possible. By default, they are located at
"$HOME/.local/share/cartopy/shapefiles". NOTE that you'll need a freshly
installed cartopy>=0.19.0.post1 to re-download any NaturalEarth features due to
some fixed URL issues. I'm not sure that this will help, but it might be worth
a try.
Don't hesitate to follow up and let me know the results of these. Failing
these, the next best suggestion I have is to open an issue with the fine
experts on the Cartopy or Shapely projects on GitHub, and see if any of them
can dissect this better. Be sure to provide them with sample data and a
fully-reproducible code snippet. Your environment specification is also very
https://github.com/SciTools/cartopy/issues/new (start here, they may point
you to Shapely!)
Thanks again for your time and patience. I hope we can find a clearer answer!
All the best,
> I am using Python 3.8 and using cartopy to make some plots. However, I am
> consistently getting an error message when the map is ready to be drawn
> (either to a window or to a figure for saving). The error occurs on either my
> Linux machine (running CentOS 6.10) or my Mac (running OSX 10.15.7). Both use
> a python 3.8 environment.
> I have attached details of the error, including sample code used to make the
> plot. If you could please help with these errors, that would be appreciated.
> This has been an ongoing issue for months and I cannot resolve it. I have
> tried downgrading cartopy to earlier versions and then upgrading but with no
> change. I also created a brand new python 3.8 environment and installed
> cartopy (along with other packages like numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and
> netCDF4) with again the same errors.
> Here is some sample code:
> import os,sys,cartopy,warnings
> import numpy as np
> import cartopy.crs as ccrs
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> from cartopy.util import add_cyclic_point
> # Load data, perform calculations...
> # .....
> # .....
> # .....
> # Make map of results
> cmin = -0.5; cmax = 0.51; cint = 0.05
> clevs = np.round(np.arange(cmin,cmax,cint),2)
> nlevs = len(clevs) - 1
> cmap = plt.get_cmap(name='RdBu_r',lut=nlevs)
> states_provinces = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature(
> category='cultural',
> name='admin_1_states_provinces_lines',
> scale='50m',
> facecolor='none')
> projection = ccrs.Miller(central_longitude=-180.)
> data_crs = ccrs.PlateCarree()
> extent = [-270,-30,20,80] # Set the map extents
> plot_data,plot_lon = add_cyclic_point(data,coord=lon,axis=0)
> lat,lon = np.meshgrid(lat,plot_lon)
> plt.figure()
> ax = plt.subplot(111,projection=projection)
> ax.set_extent(extent,crs=data_crs)
> ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS,edgecolor='gray',linewidth=1)
> ax.add_feature(states_provinces,edgecolor='gray',linewidth=1)
> ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAKES,facecolor='white',edgecolor='gray',linewidth=1)
> ax.coastlines(resolution='50m',color='black',linewidth=1)
> cs=ax.contourf(lon,lat,plot_data,clevs,cmap=cmap,transform=data_crs)
> cbar=plt.colorbar(cs,orientation='horizontal')
> cticks = []
> for i in clevs:
> cticks.append(int(i)) if i.is_integer() else cticks.append(i)
> cbar.set_ticks(clevs[::2])
> cbar.set_ticklabels(cticks[::2])
> for i in cbar.ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels():
> i.set_size(14)
> plt.title('Test Plot',size=16)
> # plt.show(block=False)
> plt.savefig('Test.png',dpi=400)
> Here is the error message:
> AttributeError: '_Shape' object has no attribute 'get'
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LBW-397273
Department: Support Python
Priority: Low
Status: Closed
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