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[python #YQW-850719]: MetPy interpolation_to_grid
- Subject: [python #YQW-850719]: MetPy interpolation_to_grid
- Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 14:45:24 -0600
Yes, it sounds like your investigation of the methodology used here yielded the
correct answer. If a point is not within a triangle, it will remain a NaN. Let
us know if you have any other questions. Glad you found this useful!
Best regards,
Zach Bruick
> Dear sir/madam,
> I was looking for a nice interpolator on a 2D grid. Many standard
> methods did not meet my requirements. MetPy however seems to do so!
> I want to get a natural neighbor interpolation. I just do not fully
> understand how boundaries are treated. It seems that the interpolated
> grid does not assign values to points at the boundaries of the
> coordinate grid. Is this correct? If so, why is this happening? How can
> this be solved?
> I suppose it has to do with the triangulation of the data, but do not
> understand the behavior. As every point is part of a triangle every,
> they all should be present in the interpolation, right?
> Best regards,
> Dear sir/madam,
> I guess I now understand why it is happening. In my current view, it
> has to do with the resolution of the resulting grid. If the central
> coordinate of the output cell is not within a Delaunay triangle, then
> it does not get assigned any value.
> Let me know whether this is correct or not.
> Kind regards,
> ############
> # import modules #
> ############
> import numpy
> import numpy as np
> from metpy.interpolate import (interpolate_to_grid,
> remove_nan_observations, remove_repeat_coordinates)
> ####################
> # Define true function for test #
> ####################
> def f0(x, y):
> return np.sin(2*np.pi*x)**2 + np.sin(2*np.pi*y)**2
> grid_xn, grid_yn = np.mgrid[0:1:200j, 0:1:200j]
> xn = grid_xn[:,0]
> yn = grid_yn[0,:]
> z0 = f0(grid_xn, grid_yn)
> plt.pcolor(grid_xn, grid_yn, z0)
> plt.colorbar()
> plt.clim([0,2])
> plt.show()
> ####################
> # Randomly sample datapoints #
> ####################
> points = np.random.rand(500, 2)
> values = f0(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])
> plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], c=values)
> plt.colorbar()
> plt.clim([0,2])
> plt.axis([0,1,0,1])
> plt.show()
> ###############
> # Do the interpolation: #
> ###############
> gx, gy, imgnn = interpolate_to_grid(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], values,
> interp_type='natural_neighbor', hres=0.01)
> gx, gy, imglin = interpolate_to_grid(x=points[:, 0], y=points[:, 1],
> z=values, interp_type='linear', hres=0.01)
> ################################################################################
> # Plot results: near the boundaries there are no interpolated values,
> not even at the points where data is available (blue points) #
> ################################################################################
> dx = gx[0,:][1] - gx[0,:][0]
> dy = gy[:,0][1] - gy[:,0][0]
> xbounds = [gx[0,:][0] - dx/2., gx[0,:][-1] + dx/2.]
> ybounds = [gy[:,0][0] - dy/2., gy[:,0][-1] + dy/2.]
> xedges = numpy.linspace(xbounds[0],xbounds[-1],num=len(gx[0,:])+1)
> yedges = numpy.linspace(ybounds[0],ybounds[-1],num=len(gy[:,0])+1)
> plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
> plt.pcolor(xedges, yedges, imgnn) # x and y coordinates are the corners
> of each pixel!
> plt.colorbar()
> plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=1, c='cyan')
> plt.clim([0,2])
> plt.xlim([0,1.0])
> plt.ylim([0,1.0])
> plt.show()
> ##########################################################
> ### I don't think this is a plotting issue, since the same happens when
> using plt.imshow() ###
> ##########################################################
> plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
> plt.imshow(imglin, origin='lower', extent=[xbounds[0],
> xbounds[1],ybounds[0],ybounds[1]])
> #imgin[0,:] is plotted to the right, imglin[:,0] upwards if origin='lower'
> #gx[0,:] are the x-coordinates, so this is consistent
> plt.colorbar()
> plt.scatter(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], s=1, c='cyan')
> plt.clim([0,2])
> plt.xlim([0,1.0])
> plt.ylim([0,1.0])
> plt.show()
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YQW-850719
Department: Support Python
Priority: Low
Status: Closed
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