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[python #XCW-578226]: Please, I need a help.
- Subject: [python #XCW-578226]: Please, I need a help.
- Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2018 16:29:56 -0700
You can download the entire repository, including the data files, here:
Given the error message you received, you should double check your installation
of netcdf4-python and libnetcdf.
> Dear Unidata
> Would you please share a copy of the data in this link:
> https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/tree/master/examples/data
> when i used rtofs_glo_3dz_f006_6hrly_reg3.nc this error appears
> OSError: [Errno -51] NetCDF: Unknown file format:
> b'data/rtofs_glo_3dz_f006_6hrly_reg3.nc'
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XCW-578226
Department: Support Python
Priority: Low
Status: Closed
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