Folks, I wanted to have my class get drilsdown into their "unidata-workshop" environment. I know, we should rename the environment as my course number. But we are trying to work from success and then adapt, and are still playing close to the base.
Here is the error:
1. I added ipywidgets and drilsdown to the environment.yml file as shown here.- ipywidgets- pip:- python-awips- mpldatacursor- drilsdownI executed conda env update -f environment.ymlIt appeared to install both new packages. No problems.
2. The beloved incantationsource activate unidata-workshop
3. I set the necessary path(unidata-workshop) bash-3.2$ export IDV_HOME=/Applications/IDV_5.4u1/
4. jupyter notebook
5. In a notebook code cell,%reload_ext drilsdown
gets this error
------------------------------------------------------------ ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-2-06399fbebf41> in <module>() ----> 1 get_ipython().run_line_magic('--------------- reload_ext' , 'drilsdown')
…gibberish//anaconda/envs/unidata-workshop/lib/python3.6/ in _validate_bytecode_header(importlib/_bootstrap_external. py data, source_stats, name, path) ImportError: bad magic number in 'drilsdown': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'