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20030327: McIDAS-X and IDV 1.0 beta 5
- Subject: 20030327: McIDAS-X and IDV 1.0 beta 5
- Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 10:38:00 -0700
>From: Elen Cutrim <address@hidden>
>Organization: Western Michigan University
>Keywords: 200303272253.h2RMrJB2018025
Hi Elen,
Sorry to not have been able to respond before now.
>I am writing a proposal to WMU to be used as a match to the Unidata
>Community Equipment Awards. I already got the technician part of it,
>conditionally to the approval of the grant award.
>The other part would be equipment match, which WMU will come up with $5K
>to upgrade the Meteorology lab. My desire is to run IDV for
>undergraduate class and McIDAS-X for research and graduate classes.
>I have 20 students per lab session (120 students in my meteorology
>class) and presently, the 20 Sun workstations are outdated and cannot
>run any of the Unidata software.
I a suprised to hear that the 20 Sun workstations can't run any
Unidata software. The last time I had occasion to logon to machines
in your lab, I found that they could run McIDAS-X as long as it
was configured properly. Also, these machines should be able to
run the LDM with no problem and the McIDAS-XCD decoding software.
If you still need to use these machines for your lab, I can help you
get things setup. Please let me know.
>I am borrowing another PC-based lab to
>run IDV 1.0 beta 2 release, but runs with difficulties with only 512 MB
>I was able to configure a Windows XP based workstation to confortably
>run IDV 1.0 beta 6. But I cannot find the type of PC workstation to run
>McIDAS-X with the information I found in the Unidata site. The system
>requirements that I found for McIDAS-X 2002 Users Guide for Windows is
>outdated. What is your recommendation to run ldm Mcidas? Can I run it
>with RedHat 7.1 or 7.2?
Unidata McIDAS-X will work with all versions of RedHat Linux newer than
5.2. Many sites are now moving to RedHat 8.0, so you may want to
consider it instead of 7.x, but it is your choice. As always with
Linux (and all other OSes, actually) you will need to keep up to date
on security patches.
>WMU has Internet II and the campus Sun network runs on Solaris 8. We
>also have Linux.
I am glad to hear about yoru I2 connection. It will make it a lot easier
for you to access datasets hosted by other machines on the net.
>I hope all is well with you. I have registered to the Summer Workshop,
>so I will see you in June.
I look forward to seeing you this summer! We should get together and
talk about my MeteoForum work with your old department at the UFPA
in Belem.
* Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*