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19990301: webserver
- Subject: 19990301: webserver
- Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 08:54:01 -0700
>From: Anthony Rockwood - MSCD Meteorology <address@hidden>
>Organization: Metropolitan State College of Denver
>Keywords: 199902262114.OAA18762 web server
>I'm trying to find the best way to create mcidas images on wxbox and have
>them displayed by winfo2's webserver. You suggested I create a
>subdirectory under /var/data/ldm/ since it's already mounted by winfo2. So
>I made one called images and put a test image in it. Now, what's the best
>way to have the browser point to those files ? I think the browser looks
>for files in /home/htppd/html so I need a simple way to point over to
>wxbox ?
>This is low priority so no hurry.
Create a subdirectory of /home/httpd/html on winfo2 called images (or
whatever) and then mount /var/data/ldm/images on wxbox as
/home/httpd/html/images. Then in your HTML files, have the McIDAS GIFs that
you want to display
point to that directory. For example for an HTML file in /home/httpd/html
you coule have a line:
<A HREF=images/GOES8IR.GIF>GOES-8 IR image</a>
If the images subdirectory is mounted to /var/data/ldm/images on wxbox,
the you should be able to display it no problem.
You should be able to mount the wxbox directory from the command line
as root, just to test this out. Once you get it working the way you
want, use linuxconf to set this up permanently (under the File systems,
Access nfs volume option). I would set the directory to be read-only
for security (under Options tab).
Let me know if you have other questions about this.
From: Anthony Rockwood - MSCD Meteorology <address@hidden>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 1999 09:51:35 -0700
Many thanks, Don. It works fine.