I *think* that they switched to their backup uplink at 12:30Z today (they don’t give those updates anymore, but the signal drop to zero for one minute is the giveaway). I also had a complete drop of
the NOTHER feed at 15Z today for 10 minutes. So they definitely have weirdness in the feed today. Gilbert Sebenste Meteorology Support Analyst From: noaaport <address@hidden>
On Behalf Of Stonie Cooper CAUTION: This email originated
from outside of COD’s system. Do not click links, open attachments, or respond with sensitive information unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Since 1340Z this morning, there have been oddities with frame and product sequencing on the NOAAPort channels of NOPT(DCP), GRE, EXP as well as the NWWS stream.
Initial assumption was that this was associated with the channel realignment that was scheduled for yesterday, and gave time for self-correction. NOAA has been notified. Will pass along any updates.
Stonie Cooper, PhD Software Engineer III NSF Unidata Program Center University Corporation for Atmospheric Research I acknowledge that the land I live and work on is the traditional home of The Chahiksichahiks (Pawnee), The Umoⁿhoⁿ (Omaha), and The Jiwere (Otoe). |
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