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[NOAAPORT #ZLV-851048]: LDM misses data on NOAAPORT via satellite
- Subject: [NOAAPORT #ZLV-851048]: LDM misses data on NOAAPORT via satellite
- Date: Wed, 02 Dec 2020 15:13:02 -0700
> I checked the settings and both machines have the same values of:
> net.core.rmem_max = 212993
> net.core.rmem_default = 212992
Those are the defaults and are way too small. They should be around 25 MB, at
for how to do this or Google "Linux UDP receive buffer size".
> I also forgot to mention in my last email these machines are both running
> CentOS 7
That's fine.
> I also checked the /etc/sysctl.conf and both computers correctly have the
> entries
> already entered for:
> net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2
> net.ipv4.ipfrag_max_dist = 0
> I looked in the log files and did find a couple of things.
> They are both giving an error about Couldn't connect to LDM on
> rtstatat.unidata.ucar.edu which I think is an easy fix with commenting out
> that
> line in the ldmd.conf
Are you sure it's "rtstatat" and not "rtstats"? The latter exists; the former
> On the Z400 (slower computer) it is logging a lot of errors saying Couldn’t
> decode
> GRIB2 message. WMO header="YVWJ48 KKCI 021900" (just an example of one line)
> All the errors are related to this same type of thing being a GRIB2 decoding
> error.
> I do not currently run those items you mentioned for gathering metrics.
> Should I see
> useful output in the ldmd.log file from running those?
Accumulating metrics will allow you to monitor the system using gnuplot(1). See
for more information.
> bin/ldmadmin addmetrics
> bin/ldmadmin newmetrics
> When I just tried running them manually and looking in the ldmd.log the Z820
> shows
> nothing new.
The metrics go into a separate file in the "var/logs" subdirectory.
> When I run those in the Z400 the addmetrics line the log shows two
> lines
> NOTE No such file or directory
> NOTE The upstream LDM database doesn't exist. Is the LDM running?
> The LDM is running on the box when I get that message.
Now that is odd. If you execute the command "uldbutil" does it output anything?
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZLV-851048
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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