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[Support #HDQ-517625]: Assistance requested for "Gap in packet sequence" log entries from noaaportIngester
- Subject: [Support #HDQ-517625]: Assistance requested for "Gap in packet sequence" log entries from noaaportIngester
- Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 13:25:06 -0600
Hi Gregg,
> I've attached the latest version of 8.exp.log, and the last 10 minutes or
> so has DEBUG output from the ingestor process.
Thanks for this capture while the 'noaaportIngester' instance was in debug
mode. Hopefully, it will help shed some light on what is going on.
By the way, I talked to my contact at NOAA/GSL, and he verified that his
two NOAAPort ingest machines are a) running RHEL 7.8, b) ingesting the
stream that is coming in on port 1208 (multicast IP address,
and c) is showing _NO_ errors. Your sbn1 machine and his two machines
are configured in the exactly the same way wrt multicast routing, using
the same version of the LDM (v6.13.11), are newer machines with lots of
RAM and 16 CPU cores (8 cores plus hyperthreading), have separate Ethernet
interfaces that are a) have non-routable IP addresses, and b) have nothing
else connected other than the output from a Novra S300N. The only things
that I have observed that are different are the extra settings in
/etc/sysctl.conf that you have, but I do not suspect that this is doing
anything since we have extra FISMA settings in our /etc/sysctl.conf files
on our two Linux NOAAPort ingest machines.
Given how similar your and NOAA/GSL machines are, I would expect them to
operate the same. The fact that they aren't (re: the problems your RHEL 7.8
(sbn1) and 6.x (sbn2)), has left me completely flummoxed!
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
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Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HDQ-517625
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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