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[NOAAPORT #GGP-872890]: New Noaaport server with ldm
- Subject: [NOAAPORT #GGP-872890]: New Noaaport server with ldm
- Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2019 12:32:10 -0700
Hi Heather,
> I am around today. I am a full-time teleworker now, so I normally go into
> the office a couple times per week.
> You caught me in a break when I took my kids out to play in the snow!
Good for you! Kids _should_ play in snow!!
> I will be available the rest of the day (minus a meeting from 2-2:30ET).
> So, my old build was CentOS 6.2. I am now using the sysctl.conf file from
> my old build.
I did a Google (tm) search for CentOS 7 and sysctl.conf, and I found:
"RHEL 7 has a service named “tuned” which helps to create custom profiles
and it overrides the “sysctl” values set in the /etc/sysctl.conf file,
because “tuned” service will start after “sysctl” service."
This suggests that there could be a profile in place that is overriding
the settings that you put in your /etc/sysctl.conf file, and this, in
turn, might be (one of the reasons) why things are not working... yet.
The URL for the page I'm looking at is:
Near the top of the article is:
1. Check the active tune profile in the affected server.
tuned-adm active
Current active profile: virtual-guest
Presumably, 'tuned-adm active' will need to be run as 'root'.
If there is an active profile, then we can see if it is setting
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter, and if it is, if the setting is
what is preventing the values that you have put in /etc/sysctl.conf.
> I just stopped iptables also, and then restarted the ldm. I am not
> getting anything.
This may (or may not) be due to a tuned profile being in place.
> I think our dish is okay right now. We used to have a heater for
> it, but it has not worked for a few years. Looks like a wire got
> cut somehow : (I have about 4 inches, but the antenna is closer
> into DC which has less snow than us.
> Here are the stats from cmcs:
> Satellite Interface Settings:
> Receiver MAC Address: 00-06-76-05-02-b7
> Receiver Mode: DVBS2
> Frequency: 1110.0 MHz
> Symbol Rate: 30.001 Msps (Auto)
> ModCod: 2/3 16PSK
> Gold code: 0
> Input Stream Filter: On
> Input Stream ID: 18
> Signal Lock: On
> Data Lock: On
> Uncorrectable Rate: 0/Second
> Packet Error Rate: 0.0000e+00
> Carrier to Noise C/N: 13.5dB
> Signal Strength: -51 dBm
This looks OK as the Uncorrectable rate is zero.
> Let me know if you have time today to do a google hangout.
> Like I said, I am available all day and into the evening here.
> Swim practice is cancelled, dance is cancelled, so I don't
> have to shuttle my kids anywhere and I am in for the day!
Let's start with you doing some investigation of tuned, and then
go from there.
I am in the office until about 4:15 MST.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GGP-872890
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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