A few questions about the upcoming netCDF Java 4.6.0:
Trying to compile Panoply against NJ 4.6.0, I see that the class ucar.nc2.grib.collection.GribCollection has been (re)moved. I have been using that class when specifying a single location for the temp files that NJ creates rather than write to the directory where the input datasets are at, per the following:
// The following is necessary as of NJ 4.3.15 in order to prevent GRIB
// temp files from cluttering up same directory as source GRIB files.
DiskCache2 dc2 = new DiskCache2 (cachePath, false, 60, 50);
dc2.setAlwaysUseCache (true);
GribCollection.setDiskCache2 (dc2);
Is there a recommended way of doing this in NJ 4.6.0?
Second, has there been any further news on NJ’s capability regarding reading HDF datasets with dense attribute storage? I just heard from the JPL SMAP people again, and it sounds like they might be willing to provide help (to the extent that they can) if it would help get this into NJ faster.
Finally, when do you expect 4.6.0 to be officially released? I saw on the mailing list last week that you were thinking very soon. I’m wondering whether I should delay releasing a new Panoply a few days in order for it to include the new NJ.
Thanks much,
Robert B. Schmunk
Webmaster / Senior Systems Programmer
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025