kevinBest,Let me know if this helps, or if I should forward this on to some one else, so you can focus on the big picture! :)Below is a forwarded message from our guy at NDBC who is trying to use the new mooring templates in Java netCDF 4.5.4. He's still getting a error that indicates the new 3-15-008 mooring descriptor is not found in the BUFR table. I believe he included sample file...I hope you are enjoying the GO-ESSP meeting. I'm sad I'm not there..Hi John ----------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Smith - NOAA Affiliate <address@hidden>
Date: Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 9:22 AM
Subject: BUFR Errors Processing PMEL Buoys
To: Kevin O'Brien - NOAA Affiliate <kevin.m.o'address@hidden>
Cc: Kevin Kern - NOAA Federal <address@hidden>, James Seal - NOAA Affiliate <address@hidden>The calling line is:
byte[] mbytes = scan.getMessageBytes(m);
NetcdfFile ncfile = NetcdfFile.openInMemory("test", mbytes, "ucar.nc2.iosp.bufr.BufrIosp");
NetcdfDataset ncd = new NetcdfDataset(ncfile);
...It generates this error:
TableLookup cant find Table D descriptor 3-15-008 in tables none,resource:/resources/bufrTables/wmo/TableD-121509.csv mode=wmoOnly
java.lang.IllegalStateException: BUFR file has incomplete tables
at ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.<init>(
at ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.openInMemory(
at ndbc.osmc.version4_5.datasources.OsmcTestBufrImportBilltst.processBufrMessageAsDataset(
at ndbc.osmc.version4_5.datasources.OsmcTestBufrImportBilltst.decodeBufrMessages(
at ndbc.osmc.version4_5.datasources.OsmcTestBufrImportBilltst.main('ve attached a sample file that produces it:
--Kevin O'Brien
Software Engineer
NOAA/PMEL/TMAP"The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily reflect any position of the Government or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."