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Re: Problem opening GRIB dataset using netCDF-Java
- Subject: Re: Problem opening GRIB dataset using netCDF-Java
- Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 18:48:45 +0000
On Sep 23, 2013, at 08:39, john caron wrote:
> Im out of the country for another week so i cant check, but i fixed a similar
> problem in the 4.3.19 release. Lansing can tell you where that is if you want
> to try.
Do you mean 4.3.19 or 4.3.18?
The website lists 4.3.18 as the latest release. Unless I'm misunderstanding the
way Github works, I don't see any mention of commits in thredds after the
4.3.18 release date.
>> BTW: I commented last March that I had been having since the start of the
>> year with GRIB temporary files popping up in the same directory as the GRIB
>> file rather than in the cache dir specified by DiskCache.setRootDirectory().
>> I thought this was "fixed" in 4.3.18 but that was mistaken. On further
>> exploration today, I found that a deliberate change was made in 4.3.15, as
>> described at
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/thredds/current/netcdf-java/reference/Caching.html
>> However, although that webpage states that as of 4.3.15 one should use
>> DiskCache2 class to deal with GRIB files, the section terminates before
>> providing an example of the DiskCache2 options. I did find an example in the
>> source code for the TestGribDiskCache class which gave me the help I needed.
> apologies, ill update that web page. so you did figure out what you needed
> then?
Well, I have a mea culpa also. Despite my whining about the GRIB caching change
being a surprise, I discovered late last week that your e-mail announcing
4.3.15 specifically mentioned it.
Anyway, based on what I saw in the DiskCache2 source, I got things working the
way I wanted. I found the following was sufficient.
// Inform NJ where the cache is and to always use it.
DiskCache.setRootDirectory (cachepath);
DiskCache.setCachePolicy (true);
// The following is necessary as of NJ 4.3.15 in order to prevent GRIB
// temp files from cluttering up same directory as source GRIB files.
DiskCache2 dc2 = new DiskCache2 (cachepath, false, 30, 30);
dc2.setAlwaysUseCache (true);
GribCollection.setDiskCache2 (dc2);
Robert B. Schmunk
Webmaster / Senior Systems Programmer
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025