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Re: Fwd: NCEP model GRIB records may have errors
- Subject: Re: Fwd: NCEP model GRIB records may have errors
- Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:29:09 -0600
you're welcome. I think that what complicates the precip output
from the RUC is that is that we have hourly output for that model.
The GFS has 3-hourly, so they can have simpler precip fields.
----- Original Message -----
From: John Caron <address@hidden>
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2010 9:46 am
Subject: Re: Fwd: NCEP model GRIB records may have errors
> Hi Geoffrey:
> Thanks much for your explanation. We have done a review on all of
> the
> models that we get over the IDD, and appears that this issue only
> appears in the RUC2. We do see the "bucket dump" (we are calling it
> "mixed intervals") in a lot of models, for example in the GFS half-
> deg:
> ***Total_precipitation/Ground or water surface
> all: (60) 0-3 0-6 6-9 6-12 12-15 12-18 18-21 18-24 24-27 24-
> 30
> 30-33 30-36 36-39 36-42 42-45 42-48 48-51 48-54 54-57 54-60 60-63
> 60-66
> 66-69 66-72 72-75 72-78 78-81 78-84 84-87 84-90 90-93 90-96 96-99
> 96-102
> 102-105 102-108 108-111 108-114 114-117 114-120 120-123 120-126 126-
> 129
> 126-132 132-135 132-138 138-141 138-144 144-147 144-150 150-153 150-
> 156
> 156-159 156-162 162-165 162-168 168-171 168-174 174-177 174-180 Mixed
> The issue appears in the RUC2 pressure output:
> Open
_precipitation/Ground or water surface
> all: (46) 0-0 0-1 0-2 1-2 0-3 2-3 0-4 3-4 3-5 4-5 0-5 0-6 5-
> 6
> 3-6 6-7 0-7 0-8 7-8 6-8 0-9 8-9 6-9 0-10 9-10 0-11 10-11 9-11 11-12
> 9-12
> 0-12 12-13 0-13 12-14 13-14 0-14 14-15 12-15 0-15 15-16 0-16 16-17
> 15-17
> 0-17 0-18 17-18 15-18 Mixed
> ***Large_scale_precipitation/Ground or water surface
> all: (46) 0-0 0-1 1-2 0-2 2-3 0-3 3-4 0-4 3-5 4-5 0-5 0-6 5-
> 6
> 3-6 6-7 0-7 7-8 0-8 6-8 8-9 6-9 0-9 9-10 0-10 10-11 9-11 0-11 9-12
> 0-12
> 11-12 12-13 0-13 12-14 0-14 13-14 12-15 0-15 14-15 15-16 0-16 15-17
> 0-17
> 16-17 17-18 0-18 15-18 Mixed
> Now that we understand whats going on, we may just save the 1-hour
> accumulations, since the others can be derived if needed.
> Hopefully,
> this will be less confusing to our users.
> Thanks again to you and Patrick for your help!