Roger On Oct 20, 2009, at 2:41 PM, John Caron wrote: Hi Roger: from which jar? Which class was that routine in? Roger Unwin wrote: John,
I was able to extract the source for them from the distributed jar.
private void writeOneEntry(InvDataset ds, OutputStream out, StringBuffer mess) throws IOException
Element rootElem = writeOneEntry(ds, mess);
Document doc = new Document(rootElem);
XMLOutputter fmt = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
fmt.output(doc, out);
public Element writeOneEntry(InvDataset ds, StringBuffer mess) throws IOException {
return writeOneEntry(ds, mess, false);
public Element writeOneRelaxedEntry(InvDataset ds, StringBuffer mess) throws IOException {
return writeOneEntry(ds, mess, true);
public Element writeOneEntry(InvDataset ds, StringBuffer mess, boolean relaxed) throws IOException {
Element rootElem = new Element("DIF", defNS);
writeDataset(ds, rootElem, mess);
rootElem.setAttribute("schemaLocation", defNS.getURI() + " " + schemaLocation, XMLEntityResolver.xsiNS);
return rootElem;
Thanks for checking.
On Oct 20, 2009, at 12:33 PM, John Caron wrote:
David Stuebe wrote:
Hi John
CC Roger
I am working with Roger Unwin on the OOI project and he has been trying to get a metadata extraction program working which builds against the NetCDF Java library. He has been stumped by two subroutines which he can not find:
Element difWriter.writeOneEntryX(InvDataset, StringBuffer);
Element difWriter.writeOneRelaxedEntry(InvDataset, StringBuffer);
Can you point us in the right direction for the correct subroutine to use?
i dont have any such routines - where did he get the code that calls those?