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[netCDFJava #ZTS-930267]: [netCDF-Java #FNP-784202] netCDF Java - Writing a Subsetted OPeNDAP Dataset to a Local File
- Subject: [netCDFJava #ZTS-930267]: [netCDF-Java #FNP-784202] netCDF Java - Writing a Subsetted OPeNDAP Dataset to a Local File
- Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 14:08:47 -0600
Hi Chris,
> I have since been informed that subsetting using NcML is probably not very
> useful for my application and that I should pursue �direct subsetting� via
> the query url. Along this line � I have encountered another problem that
> I was hoping you could help me with.
> I am attempting to create a local nc file which is a subset of data on the
> �motherload� server. Specifically, my data url is:
> http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/dodsC/modelsNc/NCEP/OCEAN/Global_5x2p5deg/OCEAN_Global_5x2p5deg_20070828_1200.nc?lat[0:1:19],lon[0:1:39],u_sfc[0:1:0][0:1:19][0:1:39],v_sfc[0:1:0][0:1:19][0:1:39]
> This URL works just fine both in the toolsUI as well as in my application
> (very basic right now). The problem arrises when I go to write the file
> to a local nc file. I am receiving an InvalidRangeException error which
> I don�t quite understand. I�m not manipulating or changing the data in
> any way, though I am �testing� the NetcdfFile object to ensure that there
> is information there. The code (everything that�s being called) and error
> are attached:
The problem is that the URL above is an OPeNDAP dataset URL so you are getting
back an OPeNDAP encoding of the data rather than a netCDF file. If you go to
the catalog that lists the above dataset:
and click down to a dataset, you will see that the dataset is accessible
through OPeNDAP, WCS, and as an HTTP download. Which means you can get the
entire dataset using the HTTP download or you can access subsets of the dataset
if you have a WCS client.
If you start at our top level catalog
(http://motherlode.ucar.edu:8080/thredds/catalog.html), you can browse down to
some of our other model data and see another type of access called the netCDF
Subset Service (ncSS). That is a simpler interface for accessing dataset
subsets that might be of interest to you. Here's the catalog for a model
collection that is available with ncSS:
If you are interested in the OCEAN data and the ncSS, I can check into why that
combination isn't available.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have other questions.
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZTS-930267
Department: Support netCDF Java
Priority: Normal
Status: Open