Hi Dan
A few comments:
1. the cdl had
float t2_filtered_counts(record);
t1_filtered_counts: long_name = "Magnetic torquer 2 counts
smoothed by one of 2 algorithms.";
t1_filtered_counts: units = "counts";
t1_filtered_counts: valid_range = -525.0f, 525.0f;
t1_filtered_counts: missing_value = 9999.0f;
instead of
float t2_filtered_counts(record);
t2_filtered_counts: long_name = "Magnetic torquer 2 counts
smoothed by one of 2 algorithms.";
t2_filtered_counts: units = "counts";
t2_filtered_counts: valid_range = -525.0f, 525.0f;
t2_filtered_counts: missing_value = 9999.0f;
2. the long names should be shorter, eg i would change
Hp: long_name= "magnetic field vector component, points northward,
to orbit plane which for a zero degree
inclination orbit is parallel
to Earth's spin axis.";
to something like
Hp: long_name= "magnetic field vector component (northward)";
Hp: description= "magnetic field vector component, points
northward, perpendicular
to orbit plane which for a zero degree
inclination orbit is parallel
to Earth's spin axis.";
3) the units seem ok, except for count should be "" (empty string). I
might add display_units = "counts";
4) the main thing you are missing is geolocation info; is thats
Dan Wilkinson wrote:
Hi John,
I'm writing to take you up on your offer to review our NetCDF file
format for GOES Magnetometer data. I've attached a CDL file with our
latest draft.
The format uses what seems to be the most popular method of storing
event time which looks like this "milliseconds since 1970-01-01
00:00:00.0 UTC." We choose milliseconds because the data samples are
taken at half second intervals.
Is it correct to assume that the various APIs will make it
unnecessary for users to ever have convert to and from milliseconds
and calendar type dates? I'm sure the answer must be true but since
this a very important issue I just wanted to double check.
yes, udunits will convert to calendar dates.
The units for the magnetic flux values are nano Tesla, and udunits
gives two ways to represent this.
1) Gamma, which means the same thing but some feel that is is
becoming an obsolete term. 2) Tesla is supported along with the scale
prefix nano, which can be combined as nT -- this is what we would
like to do. This use of a scale prefix isn't supported by the CF
conventions, however, I heard in a recent Unidata seminar that the CF
conventions are more suited towards model output and not so much for
observational data.
CF/udunits supports nano = 10-9, alias "n", see section 3.1
Finally, the NetCDF-java documentation mentions structures as a
future means of organizing record oriented data, and I like that
idea. What is your opinion on using structures at this point even
though they are not universally supported within the APIs?
You are already using the "record structure" with the unlimited
dimension, which is the only option you have with netcdf-3 files.
Thanks in advance for taking time to review our CDL. Whatever we
decide at this point will likely be propagated to many other datasets
so we want to be careful with our choices.
your welcome, good luck!
Dan Wilkinson