Hi John, Has netcdf been published in a maven 2 repository anywhere yet? Maven (version 2) is pretty new so some folks on the list may not be familiar with what a Maven 'repository' is yet. A repository is basically a web server that hosts a pre-built netcdf.jar and includes a XML descriptor for the jar. When someone builds a project using Maven (instead of say, ant), Maven will fetch the dependencies from the repository. One nice thing about this is that you don't need to check all the dependent libraries into your version control system. There's a maven repository on Ibiblio that you could host the netcdf.jar on. There's a how-to for this at http://maven.apache.org/maven-1.x/reference/repository-upload.html. (NOTE: Most new Maven projects will probably be using Maven 2). You don't need to build netcdf-java with Maven in order to host the jar on the repository.
I downloaded the netcdf-2.2 src and looked at the build structure. It's close to a maven build, but slightly different. The current structure is: netcdf |~~ build.xml // ant build file |~~ lib // dependencies |~~ resources | `~~ resources // stuff to include in netcdf.jar `~~ src |~~ dods |~~ thredds `~~ ucar It is possible to build a maven project for the existing netcdf structure, but from what I've gathered it's not generally recommended. Anyway, for maven 2, the directory structure should really look like: netcdf |~~ pom.xml // maven2 build file `~~ src |~~ main | |~~ java // java source goes here | | |~~ dods | | |~~ thredds | | |~~ ucar | `~~ resources // stuff to include in netcdf.jar `~~ test // unit tests |~~ java `~~ resources Notice, that there's no lib directory. This, of course, assumes that all your dependencies are hosted in a repository somewhere. If you're really interested in putting together a Maven build file I'm willing to help out. Feel free to contact me off the netcdf list at 'brian at mbari dot org'. Cheers B Brian Schlining Software Engineer |