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Re: netcdf question

since they are not in the original file, you have the option of seeing the original or 
the amended objects in the viewer tab. toggle the intuitive flower icon ("add 
coordinates" tooltip).

Ethan Davis wrote:
Hi Jeff,

I'll answer in esupport but thought I would send you a note as well.

The NcML below is all that's needed.

John: I'm not seeing the _Coordinate_* attributes in the ToolsUI viewer?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<netcdf xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/netcdf/ncml-2.2"; location="http://dapper.pmel.noaa.gov/dapper/oscar/world-filter.nc"; >
 <variable name="latitude" shape="latitude" type="float">
   <attribute name="units" type="String" value="degrees_north" />
 <variable name="longitude" shape="longitude" type="float">
   <attribute name="units" type="String" value="degrees_east" />

Jeff McWhirter wrote:

John and/or Ethan,
We have a user trying to load the following netcdf file. We are getting errors about the spatial domain, the units are null. I'm guessing the unit names for long and lat fields (degree-E, degree-N) are bad?

Any quick fix for this with NCML?


dods://dapper.pmel.noaa.gov/dapper/oscar/world-filter.nc {
  time = UNLIMITED;   // (977 currently)   // (has coord.var)
  depth = 1;   // (has coord.var)
  latitude = 140;   // (has coord.var)
  longitude = 400;   // (has coord.var)
  float u(time=977, depth=1, latitude=140, longitude=400);
    :_coordinateSystem = "time depth latitude longitude ";
    :name = "u";
    :long_name = "Ocean Surface Zonal Currents";
    :generic_name = "u";
    :units = "meter/sec";
    :missing_value = NaN; // double
  float v(time=977, depth=1, latitude=140, longitude=400);
    :_coordinateSystem = "time depth latitude longitude ";
    :name = "v";
    :long_name = "Ocean Surface Meridional Currents";
    :generic_name = "v";
    :units = "meter/sec";
    :missing_value = NaN; // double
  float u_anom(time=977, depth=1, latitude=140, longitude=400);
    :_coordinateSystem = "time depth latitude longitude ";
    :name = "u_anom";
    :long_name = "Ocean Surface Zonal Currents Anomaly";
    :generic_name = "u_anom";
    :units = "meter/sec";
    :missing_value = NaN; // double
  float v_anom(time=977, depth=1, latitude=140, longitude=400);
    :_coordinateSystem = "time depth latitude longitude ";
    :name = "v_anom";
    :long_name = "Ocean Surface Meridional Currents Anomaly";
    :generic_name = "v_anom";
    :units = "meter/sec";
    :missing_value = NaN; // double
  float time(time=977);
    :FORTRAN_format = "";
    :units = "day since 1992-10-05 00:00:00";
    :type = "";
    :_CoordinateAxisType = "Time";
  float depth(depth=1);
    :FORTRAN_format = "";
    :units = "meter";
    :type = "";
    :_CoordinateAxisType = "Height";
  float latitude(latitude=140);
    :FORTRAN_format = "";
    :units = "degree-N";
    :type = "";
    :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";
  float longitude(longitude=400);
    :FORTRAN_format = "";
    :units = "degree-E";
    :type = "";
    :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";

:VARIABLE = "Ocean Surface Currents";
:DATATYPE = "5-Day Interval";
:DATASUBTYPE = "filtered";
:GEORANGE = "20.5E to 419.5E, 69.5S to 69.5N";
:ANOM_MEAN_PERIOD = "1993-01-01 to 2005-12-31";
:version = 2006.0f; // float
:description = "Sea Surface Velocity";
:source = "Gary Lagerloef, ESR (address@hidden) and Fabrice Bonjean (address@hidden)"; :contact = "Fabrice Bonjean (address@hidden) or John T. Gunn (address@hidden)";
:company = "Earth & Space Research, Seattle, WA";
:reference1 = "Bonjean F. and G.S.E. Lagerloef, 2002 ,"Diagnostic model and analysis of the surface currents in the tropical Pacific ocean", J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 2,938-2,954";
:date = "08-May-2006";
:CREATION_DATE = "09:11 21-MAY-2006";
:PERIOD = "1992-10-21 to 2006-05-12";