NetcdfDataset dataSet = NetcdfDataset.openDataset("C:\\Documents and
Settings\\nelsonb\\My Documents\\ArcMap\\us057g1010t03a000000000");
NetcdfDatasetInfo info = dataSet.getInfo();
VariableEnhanced var = (VariableEnhanced)dataSet.getVariables().get(0);
GridCoordSys grid = info.getGridCoordSys(var);
ProjectionImpl proj = grid.getProjection();
LatLonRect latlon = grid.getLatLonBoundingBox();
LatLonPointImpl point = latlon.getUpperRightPoint();
System.out.println(point.getLongitude()); I have the above code, the issue is that
the netcdf methods use a pre-programmed (constant) radius for the earth, which
is different than the one that my data models use. As a result, the
corner points are off by a few hundredths of a degree (which translates to
about 1.5km). Do you know how I can force the projection to use a
different radius? V/r A1C Nelson, Brandon K Communications-Computer Systems Programmer HQ AFWA/SCSA (402) 294-1404 |