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[McIDAS #CBV-672560]: GOES-18 operational on January 4 at 18Z: Implications for McIDAS

Hi Gilbert,

> Well, it's seems like the window A/C unit they strapped onto GOES-17
> didn't work, so GOES-18 takes over on January 4.

All of the things that have been tried on GOES-17 (flipped yaw, different
scanning schedule, etc.) worked to some degree meaning that they extended
the usable period for the satellite.  The cooling problem continues to
get worse *as was expected*, so the decision was made to switch operations
to GOES-18, and that will be followed by GOES-17 being drifted to a parking
orbit around 104W longitude.

> Will the latest version of McIDAS that we are running here at COD support
> GOES-18 imagery? I think it will use the same WMO headers as GOES-West,
> but are there any subtle product ID changes that could cause things to go 
> awry?

It has been working for GOES-18 since sometime in May or June.  Why do I say
this?  GOES-18 imagery has been sent in place of GOES-17 during the so-called
GOES-18 interleave periods that have taken place since May, and the COD
NexLab site has kept on ticking.

Mike Z can explain in detail what, if anything, he did outside of using
a new version of McIDAS to make sure that things worked.  I know he did
something at the beginning, but I never knew enough of the details to
be able to comment on them intelligently.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CBV-672560
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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