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[McIDAS #ORL-827402]: Setup MCTABLE

Hi Carol,

> DATALOC output is:
> Group Name                    Server IP Address
> --------------------         ----------------------------------------
> <LOCAL-DATA> indicates that data will be accessed from the local data
> directory.
> DATALOC -- done
> I have defined the MCTABLE_READ and MCTABLE_WRITE as you showed.
> The file $MCDATA/MCTABLE.TXT does not exist yet. $MCHOME/data/ADDESITE.TXT
> is the following.

The setup in ADDESITE.TXT says to access the RTGOESR dataset as
LOCAL-DATA, and this matches the output from your 'DATALOC LIST RTGOESR'
invocation.  This says that MCTABLE_READ is setup correctly.

> The two dataset groups I'm trying to access are RTGOESR and MYDATA.


> ldm shouldn't be having issues reading $MCHOME/data/ADDESITE.TXT since the
> permissions are world readable.
> -rw-rw-r-x 1 mcidas mcidas 174 Oct 20 22:47 ADDESITE.TXT
> Hum, maybe I'm missing something else.

I think that you are (perhaps) confusing two different things:

- where to find datasets

- how datasets are defined

The MCTABLE-READ/MCTABLE_WRITE environment variables are used for the
former, and the ADDE dataset definitions are the latter.  I am not sure
if typhoon (you are working on typhoon, correct?) has been setup to
provide remote ADDE access to datasets.  If it has, then your MCTABLE.TXT
file should be setup to access RTGOESR and MYDATA through the remote
interface.  If remote access has not been setup, then your user ('ldm'
in this case) will need to have either (but not both) of the following

- ADDE dataset definitions

- use of the ADDE dataset definitions in the McIDAS account

ADDE dataset definitions for the user 'mcidas' are saved in the file
$MCDATA/RESOLV.SRV, where MCDATA for 'mcidas' would be $MCHOME/workdata.
If you want to use the ADDE dataset definitions stored in the RESOLV.SRV
file in the 'mcidas' $MCDATA directory, then you have two options:

- copy ~mcidas/workdata/RESOLV.SRV to the directory that you will define
  to be MCDATA in the 'ldm' account

  If you follow standard McIDAS directory structures, the directory to
  which you would do the copy would be:


- you could try "pointing" at the 'mcidas' copy of RESOLV.SRV using the
  McIDAS REDIRECT facility

  The syntax for setting a file REDIRECTion is:

  REDIRECT ADD <file name/mask> "directory

  For your purpose, this would likely look like:

  REDIRECT ADD RESOLV.SRV "/home/mcidas/workdata


  The REDIRECT command creates the file LWPATH.NAM in the user's working
  (MCDATA) directory.  The file contents are very simple: one line per
  REDIRECTion, and yours would look like:

RESOLV.SRV /home/mcidas/workdata

  I mention this because you can simply create the file yourself using
  an editor or an 'echo'.  Here is the way to do it using 'echo"

  <as 'ldm'>
  cd ~ldm/mcidas/data
  echo "RESOLV.SRV /home/mcidas/workdata" > LWPATH.NAM

Further comment:

The ADDE dataset definition file RESOLV.SRV is created/maintained using
the DSSERVE command.  You could define the ADDE dataset definitions
yourself using a series of DSSERVE commands, but it is probably a LOT
easier to use the one in the 'mcidas' account.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ORL-827402
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must 
let us know in each email you send to us.