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[McIDAS #HQH-586893]: mcidas-x download forbidden
- Subject: [McIDAS #HQH-586893]: mcidas-x download forbidden
- Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 16:04:11 -0700
Hi Jim,
> I'm installing on an Ubuntu desk top.
Out of curiosity, which Ubuntu version are you using? I build on Ubuntu 14.04
at home, and everything works nicely for me there.
> I created the mcidas user and set
> the env variable for the installation root.
Just so we are on the same page, I assume that you are referring to setting
the environment variable McINST_ROOT. Am I correct in my assumption?
> I installed gfortran and then did a 'make mcx'.
The part of the setup for the user 'mcidas' I was referring to was
to add the definitions of various environment variables as defined
in the file ~mcidas/admin/mcidas_env.<shell suffix>. The sequencing
for doing this is basically:
- create a 'mcidas' user as 'root'
- download mcidasx2018.tar.tz, mcunpack, and mcinet2018.sh to the
HOME directory of the user 'mcidas' as 'mcidas'
- define the environment variable McINST_root to be the HOME
directory of the user 'mcidas' as 'mcidas
- make sure that mcunpack is executable (e.g., chmod +x mcunpack) as 'mcidas'
- unpack the distribution as 'mcidas':
- edit the shell specific definition file: .cshrc for Cshell users,
.bash_profile for BASH users, etc and add "sourcing" of the
appropriate McIDAS environment setting file
Example for BASH users:
- edit ~mcidas/.bash_profile and add:
# McINST_ROOT and VENDOR conforming shell defines
# needed to bulid McIDAS
# NOTE: uncomment the next two lines that set MySQL_ROOT if you
# want to build with MySQL support:
# - leave the value blank if MySQL is installed in a standard
# location
# - specify the value as the root directory of the MySQL
# installation if MySQL is not installed in a standard
# location
# export MySQL_ROOT
if [ -e $McINST_ROOT/admin/mcidas_env.sh ]; then
. $McINST_ROOT/admin/mcidas_env.sh
- make the new additions to the shell specific file active
- logoff and then log back on
- . ./bash_profile
- verify that McIDAS specific environment variables are defined
env | grep ^MC
- when the above has been done, then attempt a build:
cd ~mcidas/mcidas2018/src
make mcx
> I hit a couple of speed bumps with yacc and flex but was
> able to get them installed and back compiling again. At the moment, the
> build is hung up on the netcdf stuff, complaining that it can't find the z
> lib library.
The netCDF portion of the build should not depend on a system installed
zlib. If it does, my first guess is the McIDAS environment variables
had not been defined before attempting the build.
> My main motivation for getting mcidas-X running is so that I can
> independently verify some area files we're getting from SSEC. They're from
> the Meteosat-8 satellite and I'm not sure my code is unpacking them
> correctly.
OK, thanks for letting me know the impetus for the installation.
- are you familiar with how McIDAS-X works wrt ADDE?
In McIDAS-X, data access is always through data servers (ADDE) for the
_great_ majority of access (there are exceptions, but likely not for what
you want to do).
This means that after you have a good build and installation, you will
need to create an ADDE dataset from the images you got from SSEC
in AREA file format. The creation of ADDE datasets is done by use
of the DSSERVE command.
Please keep me informed on your McIDAS-X installation and let me know
if/when I can help out.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HQH-586893
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata
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