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[McIDAS #VQU-472558]: imgcopy UNIT parameter

Hi Carol,

> OOOohhhhhhhh I didn't realize that remapping the image would change things
> so much.

I agree that the output VISR type is unexpected, and it is not noted
in the HELP for the command.  Moreover, the User's Guide section for
IMGREMAP says that the output type will be VISR, but it does it in
a way that is not obvious until you actually know that the output
type will always be VISR.  :-(

> Can you run an imgremap on the converted netCDF file? I'm guessing no.

No, because there is no ADDE server for netCDF files that are created
by McIDAS.  This was always strange to me, but the history of adding
the ability to IMGCOPY into a netCDF image file is such that all that
was desired (or more likely funded) was the creation of netCDF image
files that could be used by AWIPS (I think!).

> I think we do want the imgremap because we don't want to be saving the
> whole meteosat pass. The field project is only interested in a small region
> in Africa. I can't remember how important it was to change the projection
> to mercator, but that was another reason we were using imgremap.


If you don't have to remap into, say, MERCator, then you can use IMGCOPY
to copy a piece (referred to as a sector) of the original image.  The
operative IMGCOPY keywords in this case are:


> Thanks,

No worries.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: VQU-472558
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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