Hi Sohail, re: > I follow your commands and i am getting the same result as you mentioned. Very good. re: > There is a bit problem to find the eye of the cyclone for the first time to > get latitude and longitude. This should be easy: load an image; position your mouse cursor; and then run the 'E' command. Commands with a single letter in McIDAS can be run by typing the letter and pressing the Return key, or holding down the Ctrl key and typing the letter. The readout in the Text and Command window will show the location of the cursor. re: > But its okay. I am still looking how to apply > the ADT command on the cyclone to get the analysis of the cyclone. I think that I have figure out one way to run the ADT command. First I will give you the high level overview of the steps needed, and then I will include the commands and output that I got from running the steps. 1) start a McIDAS session that has at least 8 frames I recommend starting a session with 15-20 frames that are at least 1000x1000 (lines x elements) in size. 2) create a local ADDE dataset for images in AREA format We typically do the following: DSSERVE ADD MYDATA/IMAGES AREA 1 9999 "All images in AREA format 3) find images that show a hurricane over several hours Our GOES GVAR ingest machines, goeseast.unidata.ucar.edu and goeswest.unidata.ucar.edu are such machines, and they are open. 4) currently hurricane Maria can be seen in satellite imagery available on goeseast.unidata.ucar.edu The group name of the dataset to look at is EAST. Run DATALOC as follows: DATALOC ADD EAST GOESEAST.UNIDATA.UCAR.EDU Note carefully: the images you will you be using on goeseast.unidata.ucar.edu will only be available for a limited period of time. The old images are continuously replaced by newly ingested ones, so if you don't get to this exercise in time, the interesting images will disappear! 5) find out what descriptors are in the EAST dataset: DSINFO IMAGE EAST 6) take a look to see what images are available in the EAST/NH dataset IMGLIST EAST/NH.ALL 7) display one of the thermal IR images centered over the Caribbean and make sure that you can see hurricane Maria IMGDISP EAST/NH.1 BAND=4 LAT=16 64 EU=IMAGE 8) verify that you know how to get the latitude and longitude of the eye of hurricane Maria Use the E command. 9) erase everything from frames 1-8 in your McIDAS session and restore the IMAGE enhancement to each frame: ERASE F 1 8 EU REST IMAGE 1 8 10) choose several images from the EAST/NH dataset that you will load into successive frames in your McIDAS session I would choose images that are about 3 hours apart from each other. 11) load the first image into the first frame; move the mouse cursor over the eye of hurricane Marie; run the ADT command to analyze the image writing the output into a history file named MARIA.ODT 12) repeat 11) for each time you are interested in and display the image in a different frame Displaying the images in a different frame is not absolutely necessary, but it will allow you to create an animation of the images later. Also, ADT will want you to specify a local dataset into which it will save the portion of the input image around the cursor location. It is the local image that is analyzed by ADT Here is the sequence of commands that I ran; I stripped off the output from each command EXCEPT the IMGLIST one so that you can more easily see the sequence: IMGLIST EAST/NH.ALL Image file directory listing for:EAST/NH Pos Satellite/ Date Time Center Band(s) sensor Lat Lon --- ------------- ------------ -------- ---- ---- ------------ 1 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 01:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 2 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 18:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 3 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 20:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 4 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 20:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 5 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 21:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 6 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 21:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 7 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 22:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 8 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 23:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 9 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 23:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 10 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 01:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 11 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 02:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 12 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 02:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 13 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 03:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 14 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 04:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 15 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 05:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 16 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 05:45:00 0 80 1-4,6 17 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 06:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 18 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 06:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 19 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 07:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 20 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 08:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 21 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 08:45:00 0 80 1-4,6 22 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 09:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 23 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 09:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 24 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 10:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 25 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 10:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 26 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 11:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 27 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 11:45:00 0 80 1-4,6 28 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 12:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 29 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 12:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 30 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 13:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 31 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 13:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 32 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 14:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 33 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 14:45:00 0 80 1-4,6 34 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 15:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 35 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 15:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 36 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 16:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 37 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 16:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 38 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 17:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 39 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 18:15:00 20 73 1-4,6 40 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 18:45:00 20 73 1-4,6 41 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 19:15:00 20 73 1-4,6 42 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 19:45:00 20 73 1-4,6 43 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 20:15:00 20 73 1-4,6 44 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 20:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 45 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 21:15:00 20 73 1-4,6 46 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 21:45:00 20 73 1-4,6 47 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 22:15:00 20 73 1-4,6 48 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 22:45:00 20 73 1-4,6 51 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 17:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 52 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 17:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 53 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 18:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 54 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 18:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 55 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 19:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 56 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 19:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 57 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 20:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 58 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 20:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 59 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 21:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 60 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 22:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 61 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 22:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 62 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 23:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 63 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 23:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 64 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 00:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 65 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 00:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 66 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 01:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 67 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 01:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 68 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 02:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 69 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 02:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 70 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 03:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 71 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 03:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 72 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 04:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 73 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 04:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 74 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 05:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 75 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 05:45:00 0 80 1-4,6 76 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 06:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 77 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 06:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 78 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 07:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 79 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 07:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 80 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 08:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 81 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 08:45:00 0 80 1-4,6 82 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 09:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 83 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 09:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 84 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 10:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 85 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 10:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 86 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 11:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 87 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 11:45:00 0 80 1-4,6 88 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 12:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 89 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 13:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 90 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 13:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 91 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 14:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 92 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 14:45:00 0 80 1-4,6 93 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 15:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 94 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 15:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 95 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 16:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 96 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 16:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 97 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 17:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 98 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 17:45:00 0 70 1-4,6 99 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 18:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 100 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 19:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 101 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 22:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 102 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 00:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 103 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 00:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 104 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 03:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 105 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 04:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 106 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 17:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 107 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 21:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 108 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 12:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 109 G-13 IMG 19 SEP 17262 07:15:00 14 72 1-4,6 110 G-13 IMG 18 SEP 17261 19:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 111 G-13 IMG 17 SEP 17260 16:45:00 14 72 1-4,6 IMGLIST: done LWU DEL MARIA.ODT <- make sure that the history file does not exist ERASE F 1 8 EU REST IMAGE 1 8 LWU DEL MARIA.ODT SF 1 IMGDISP EAST/NH.1 BAND=4 LAT=16 64 -- position the mouse cursor over the eye of Maria ADT MARIA DATASET=EAST/NH.1 MYDATA/IMAGES.4000 OUT=TFILE SF 2 IMGDISP EAST/NH.13 BAND=4 LAT=16 64 -- position the mouse cursor over the eye of Maria ADT MARIA DATASET=EAST/NH.13 MYDATA/IMAGES.4001 OUT=TFILE SF 3 IMGDISP EAST/NH.19 BAND=4 LAT=16 64 -- position the mouse cursor over the eye of Maria ADT MARIA DATASET=EAST/NH.19 MYDATA/IMAGES.4002 OUT=TFILE SF 4 IMGDISP EAST/NH.25 BAND=4 LAT=16 64 -- position the mouse cursor over the eye of Maria ADT MARIA DATASET=EAST/NH.25 MYDATA/IMAGES.4003 OUT=TFILE SF 5 IMGDISP EAST/NH.31 BAND=4 LAT=16 64 -- position the mouse cursor over the eye of Maria ADT MARIA DATASET=EAST/NH.31 MYDATA/IMAGES.4004 OUT=TFILE ysis SF 6 IMGDISP EAST/NH.37 BAND=4 LAT=16 64 -- position the mouse cursor over the eye of Maria ADT MARIA DATASET=EAST/NH.37 MYDATA/IMAGES.4005 OUT=TFILE SF 7 IMGDISP EAST/NH.42 BAND=4 LAT=16 64 -- position the mouse cursor over the eye of Maria ADT MARIA DATASET=EAST/NH.42 MYDATA/IMAGES.4006 OUT=TFILE SF 8 ADT PLOT MARIA.ODT ===== 7.2.2 ===== Utilizing history file /home/mcidas/workdata/MARIA.ODT Successfully completed graph Comments: - I have attached a GIF of the output from 'ADT PLOT MARIA.ODT' command - the key to doing the above is to position the mouse cursor over the hurricane's eye at each step before running ADT - the images that show Maria are real-time; they will not be kept for very long This means that you might want to copy the images to your own machine for use later. Since the ADT uses infrared imagery for its analysis, I would think that this would mean that you would want to copy the Band 4/10.4 um images to a local dataset. Here is an example of copying the first image used to the MYDATA/IMAGES dataset: IMGCOPY EAST/NY.1 MYDATA/IMAGES.3000 BAND=4 SIZE=SAME - at this point, you know as much about how to run ADT as I do! Cheers, Tom -- **************************************************************************** Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program (303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000 address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu **************************************************************************** Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: CYB-444461 Department: Support McIDAS Priority: Normal Status: Closed =================== NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web. If you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.
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