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[McIDAS #WPD-667222]: Fwd: McIDAS 2017 install

Hi Greg,

Sorry for the slow reply; I was out of the office yesterday...

> OK - so we installed xinetd and got it running. We followed your above
> instructions and tried to install mcinet2017.sh (as root) and got the
> following:
> [root@typhoon mcidas]# ./mcinet2017.sh install mcadde
> Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status  xinetd.service
> mcinet2017: /etc/services: mcidas already set up
> mcinet2017: xinet: Using xinetd.d to set up services
> mcinet2017: /etc/hosts.allow: mcidas: adding service lines
> mcinet2017: ERROR: edit of /etc/hosts.allow has failed
> root privs on /etc/hosts.allow are rw--r---r---
> It seems like there shouldn't be a problem editing that file. What are we
> missing?

I agree that there shouldn't be a problem modifying /etc/hosts.allow, and
this is the first time that I have seen this error.

Quick question:

- did you check the contents of /etc/hosts.allow?

  If yes, was the appropriate 'mcidas' entry added?

  If yes, I would restart xinetd (service xinetd restart) and then
  try accessing the remote server.


- did you remember to setup the 'mcidas' account to have ~/.mcenv?

  If you are setting up the remote ADDE server as per Unidata recommendations
  (and it appears that you are), then the following should be true:

  - 'mcadde' is a non-login account

  - the HOME directory for 'mcadde' is the same as for 'mcidas'

  - 'mcadde' is in the same group as 'mcidas'

  - you have installed/created ~mcidas/.mcenv

    Make sure that this file is readable by 'mcadde'!

  - you may need to adjust the read/write permissions on the directory
    you define to be MCDATA in ~mcidas/.mcenv to be writable by 'mcadde'

    The reason for this is so that ADDE logging will be able to write
    the file SERVER.LOG in the $MCDATA directory.  You can change where
    this log file is written by created a REDIRECTion entry in 

Another question:

- how are you planning on setting up the ADDE dataset names?

  What I setup on ingest.unidata.ucar.edu was always meant to be
  temporary.  I will be changing the dataset descriptor names to be
  more descriptive at some point in the not too distant future.

One other question that may seem a bit strange:

- COMET (Patrick Dills) has been having difficulty accessing the
  ADDE server on ingest.unidata.ucar.edu from machines in the
  COMET 127.117.107.xxx subnet

  Have you had any problems accessing GOES-16 datasets on
  ingest.unidata.ucar.edu from McIDAS-X, the IDV, or McIDAS-V?

  FYI: I have _not_ experienced the problem that Patrick has
  run into from any of the above applications either at work
  (from the UCAR Guests wireless network) or from home (from
  the MRIC network).  I am looking forward to you getting your
  ADDE server up and serving GOES-16 ABI imagery so that
  Patrick can test access from your server.

  This one has me stumped!


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WPD-667222
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
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