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[McIDAS #WGX-237531]: Mcidas-X

Hi Justin,

> Thanks for the quick reply.

No worries.

> Below is an email from Becky at SSEC mentioning for me to talk to you
> guys about MCIDAS V an X.

As head of the McIDAS User's Group at UW/SSEC, Becky was the person that
I was going to send my inquiry to about your use of McIDAS-X.  Her reply
to your inquiries to SSEC/MUG answer the question - you are allowed to
access Unidata McIDAS-X; excellent!
Sorry I didn't answer your other questions.

> Sorry I didn't answer your other questions.
> I was looking for a solution that would offer continuous ingest of data
> and I don't think the two options you mentioned do that.

I am not sure that I understand what continuous ingest of data really means.

If you mean mean that a package will be able to use data that is delivered
via a mechanism like LDM, then either/both IDV and McIDAS-V can work, but
perhaps not in the way that you think.  One could run an LDM on a *nix
machine (Linux/Unix) and process Unidata-Wisconsin (IDD feedtype UNIWISC)
and/or NOAAPort (IDD feedtype NIMAGE) iamgery to disk, and then both the IDV and
McIDAS-V could then access the data that has been written to disk.  The
advantage that McIDAS-V has over the IDV with satellite imagery is that it
is bundled with ADDE servers for common imagery types, so one can create
ADDE datasets in the application and then use them in more or less the
same way that is available via remote ADDE server access provided by McIDAS-X.
The big plus with getting the data through an ADDE server is that one
gets access to calibrated data (e.g., Temperature for IR images, etc.) and
spatial subsetting via the server.  The IDV, on the other uses the OPeNDAP
access to imagery, and it has no notion of what calibrations are appropriate
for the imagery, and it has little to no ability to do spatial subsetting.

> I considered GARP but I'm having the darnedest time installing it.

OK.  The NMAP2 GUI for GEMPAK/NAWIPS works very nicely with the various types
of imagery that are delivered via the LDM in the IDD.  Is there some
reason that you do not want to use NMAP2?

NB: I am _not_ trying to talk you out of using Unidata McIDAS-X.  I just want
to make sure that you understand all of the possibilities before you go
any further.  If it turns out that using McIDAS-X is the best package for
what you want to do, I will gladly help you get it setup and working.
But, I must say that most sites tend to use McIDAS-X for its ADDE
data serving capabilities.  They access a large fraction of the data they
want from ADDE services provided by McIDAS-X (POINT, TEXT and IMAGE
data) using tools like the IDV, McIDAS-V or McIDAS-X.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WGX-237531
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed