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[McIDAS #TEU-219455]: topo map

Hi Kwan,

> Hmm...  I don't understand why the color map on my destination would be
> altered (something wrong in my McIDAS compilation?).

I have no idea either.

> I will need to use
> GEMPAK to display the image since I only have the color map file for GEMPAK
> and not for McIDAS.

Hmm... one could "translate" the GEMPAK color table into a McIDAS enhancement.

> Is it possible that you send or share the remapped image you have made?

Absolutely.  I have attached the file, AREA3050.

> It just dawned on me that you had taught me the POKE method to alter the
> slon of an image perhaps a couple of years ago.  Since the original image
> was in the same projection that I wanted, I was thinking of trying:
> 1. make a copy of the original image
> 2. alter the slon of the duplicate to 97 using POKE
> 3. remap original onto destination
> Do you foresee that this will work?

Yes, I think that this will work.  The copy of the original image would
have to be an AREA file, so it would need to be created using something


> I guess step 3 won't work for GINI images.

No, it would likely not work for GINI, but it should work if the
copy is an AREA file.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TEU-219455
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed

Attachment: AREA3050
Description: Binary data