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[McIDAS #WWL-217735]: pixel shift in Florida Satellite Water Vapor Imagery

Hi Daphne,

re: areal coverage of 3.9 and 10.7 um images for fog study

> Yes the aerial coverage is the same for all of the images, they have the same 
> spatial
> boundaries. There are 366 image pairs in our dataset (one for each day). From 
> quickly
> looking at a random selection of these images it seems like we may be able to 
> apply the
> same shift to all of the 3.9 images.

Excellent!  This will make things pretty easy.

> However, that's still something we would have to double check.

I agree.

> We don't have McIdas X running yet but if we can't find a way to shift the 
> image in
> McIdas V, installing McIdas X will most likely be the next thing we will try. 
> Since we
> are new to McIdas we were hoping we could work in one environment to keep 
> things simple
> but if it comes down to it we can try to utilize McIdas X.


> Unfortunately no one here at Florida State University is familiar with either 
> version of
> McIdas, or Area files for that matter. I am looking to see if we can find a 
> function in
> McIdas V similar to the 'LWU POKE' command you mentioned. The other commands 
> I was able
> to find from this website,
> http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas/doc/mcv_guide/1.4/xequivalent.html,
> but I haven't found a way to adjust the image directory yet in
> McIdas V. We will keep you posted on our progress though

One could do the job in McV/IDV, but one would need to learn how to do the
appropriate Jython scripting, etc.

> and if you have any other suggestions for us let us know!

Here is what I propose:

- put all of the images you have in your fog dataset somewhere where I can
  grab them (e.g., SSH access to an account that has access to the images;
  anonymous FTP; Dropbox, etc.)

- I have written a shell script that does the work of shifting the 3.9 um
  images by an amount that seems reasonable (determined from my examination
  of the 4 image pairs that Peter sent me) and then creates a fog product
  AREA file using the formula:

  fog = 150 + 10*(T[10.7um] - T[3.9um])

  I can run the script on all of your original images and give you back
  the modified 3.9 um images and fog products.  You could then use McV
  to do further analysis and display of the fog products.

  Just so you know: Now that the processing script is written and debugged,
  I believe that I could get the fog products back to you within a couple of
  hours or so of downloading all of your original images.

Please let me know if you are interested in this alternative...


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WWL-217735
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed