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[McIDAS #GYT-719991]: Interesting batch file errors

Hi Paul,

First, I want to apologize for not being more responsive lately.  The beginning
of the dual illumination period for the NOAAPort SBN began on Monday morning,
and it has kept us busy ever since.

> OK...maybe you are on to something with the User Common Block - There might
> be multiple mcidas sessions all being run my user mcidas. I am kicking off
> a number of scripts via ldm when various products come in. It might be that
> some other process has the default 8 graphics frames...and it is getting
> confused. You see, the graphics malfunction is fairly random. Since it runs
> a series of scripts with an array of satellite center points, there is
> nothing wrong with the script itself.

The problem really shouldn't be caused by separate instances using the same
User Common since User Common is created as two per-session shared memory 
What could be happening is that some of the files that should be written
into session specific directories under ~/.mctmp are actually being written
into a common directory like $MCDATA.  If this is happening, the files in
the session-specific directories under ~/.mctmp will not be used as that
location is appended to the MCPATH that is in scope during the execution of
the session.  This kind of situation is typically caused by incorrect/incomplete
specification of environment variables needed by the McIDAS environments.

> I really do not understand how UC works. But I suspect that might be the
> problem. Is there a simple work around? Or would I need to run everything
> setting the -g flag to 16?

I am thinking that the problem may lie in the existence of files that
should be transitory in, for example, the $MCDATA directory.

Can I login to your system to poke around to see if this is the case?

> BTW...the whole WWDISP is being used now because GEMPAK decoders for the
> watches and warnings is not working.

This is the first I have heard about there being a problem with the GEMPAK
watches and warnings decoders.  I will talk to Michael about this!

> We know a guy at NCAR who has the same
> issue with the GEMPAK decoders. Mike wrote to support but has heard
> nothing. Do you have any insight into this situation?

I have no insight to the situation, but I will talk to Michael to see
if he can get to the bottom of it soon.  Just so you know, Michael was
on travel for a couple of weeks, and he has been focused on getting an
AWIPS-II release ready for download since returning.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GYT-719991
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed