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[McIDAS #LOB-680043]: Fwd: EFFRADVIS APR 27 2025

Hi Rod,

> Thanks for the help to the other question.

No worries.

> I was wondering if there any way
> that black area shown in that image could be covered with the effective
> radius over  the visible satellite data?

I am not sure of what you are asking.

The objective that we discussed was to create sectors from the VIS and
Effective Radius images that had the same areal extent.  As I understood
things, your goal was to be able to dump out the values from both types
of images as ASCII in files that you were then going to use for some other
processing that would use co-located pixels from both types of images.
It seems like you are after something different now.  Am I misunderstanding
what you are now thinking about?


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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LOB-680043
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed