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[McIDAS #PSX-470067]: mcidas-x 2009 compile on Ubuntu question

Hi Tom,

> I'm going to hold off dealing with this virtualization for now. Or
> perhaps I will use a different linux distro where it is easier to build.

OK.  I have found that McIDAS and the LDM are typically easy to build on
RedHat variants (e.g., Fedora, CentOS).

> I talked to our IT people about NAWIPS-II, and they wanted to know why
> it wouldn't run in a virtual machine. (They really hate our dual boot
> arrangement.) Can you give me a convincing explanation to share with
> them? ;-) They claim that they haven't seen any software yet that didn't
> run fine in a virtual machine.

OK, here goes...

I just talked to our GEMPAK/AWIPS-II guy, and he told me that he _was_
successful in getting an earlier build of AWIPS-II running in a CentOS
virtual machine, and it seemed to run OK.  I want to qualify "OK" since
there were lots of problems with that test release of AWIPS-II.  Michael
and I just talked to one of our system administrators about his opinion
of whether or not running AWIPS-II in a virtual machine should work.
On the one hand, he agrees with the comment you relayed from your IT
folks; on the other hand, he is uncertain if direct access to the video
card will work/work correctly.  His other comment is that he would expect
up to a 20% performance hit running in a virtual machine.

It just so happens that we are very close to being able to test AWIPS-II
on a virtual machine (KVM under Fedora).  Given this, I am asking you
to hold off on making any decisions until we have a chance to investigate
what will work and what will not work.  Also, please be aware that it
may be much easier to determine that running AWIPS-II in a virtual machine
does not work "right now" that it will be to determine that it could
never work.

Sorry that I am unable to give you a definitive argument for your IT
guys... yet.

Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PSX-470067
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed