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[McIDAS #SSN-755786]: Meteosat question

Hi Bernie,

re: how to convert a McIDAS image into a format usable by IDL; try

> Thanks for your detailed reply.  This is very helpful.

No worries.

> There does seem
> to be a way to read Geotiff images with IDL using some routines
> developed by David Fanning at NSIDC. I need to look into this further.

OK.  The things you will want to investigate are:

DSSERVE  -> create an output dataset of type GeoTIFF
IMGREMAP -> remap the image into a rectilinear projection

After creating the appropriate output dataset of type GeoTIFF, you
would remap the input image into a RECT projection in the output

Here is a snippit from the online HELP for DSSERVE that should
get you going:


DSSERVE -- Manages and lists ADDE dataset names on the local server
   DSSERVE ADD dataset format bfile efile <keywords> "comment
   DSSERVE DEL dataset
   DSSERVE LIST group format
   ADD  | adds a new ADDE dataset name to the local server
   DEL  | deletes an ADDE dataset name from the local server
   LIST | lists the ADDE dataset names on the local server (def)
   dataset | ADDE dataset name to add or delete; must be specified in
             the group/descriptor format; see Remarks for restrictions
   format  | file format; valid formats include AIRS, AREA, GEOT, GRIB,
             GRID, LV1B, MD, MOD4, MOD8, MODR, MODS, MODX, MSGT, MTST,
             NCDF, SYSN and TEXT (no def for ADD; def=all formats for LIST)
   bfile | beginning file number assigned to the ADDE dataset; 'bfile' and
           'efile' are required for AREA, GRID, MD, NCDF and SYSN formats
   efile | ending file number assigned to the ADDE dataset
   "comment | comment describing the ADDE dataset; max of 80 characters;
              the comment cannot contain an equal sign (=), apostrophe (')
              or comma (,); the text entered in this field is visible to
              the client when they list the dataset with the DSINFO command
   group | group name (def=all groups)
   DIRfile='mask' | directory and/or file mask to locate files for the
                    non-McIDAS format servers; can also be used for the
                    McIDAS area, grid and MD file servers if the files are
                    not in the MCPATH directories, REDIRECT directory, or
                    have names other than AREA*, GRID* and MDXX*; do not
                    specify bfile and efile when using this keyword; see
                    the Remarks
   INFo='info' | additional information for the server about the data;
                 required by some servers but not needed or used with
                 McIDAS file formats AREA, GRID, MD and SYSN;
                 120 characters maximum; the beginning and ending single
                 quotes are mandatory; see the Remarks
   TYPe= | data type of the dataset created with the ADD option; valid
           types are GRID, IMAGE, NAV, POINT and TEXT; this keyword must
           be specified for all non-McIDAS file formats (e.g., NCDF)
           except TEXT (def=IMAGE for AREA format; def=GRID for GRID
           format; def=NAV for SYSN format; def=POINT for MD format;
           def=TEXT for TEXT format)


************************  GeoTIFF Dataset Remarks  ***********************
   GeoTIFF images are similar to TIFF images, but include calibration and
   navigation information. They are used by the GIS community and can be
   viewed with ARCVIEW or other GIS software packages.

   You can create GeoTIFF image files from other TYPE=IMAGE datasets. To
   do so, make a GeoTIFF image dataset with a DSSERVE command similar to:
   files. Then specify GEOTIFF/GOES as the destination dataset with a
   positive position number in an IMGCOPY, IMGFILT, IMGOPER or IMGREMAP
   command. If you use IMGCOPY, IMGFILT or IMGOPER, the source image must
   be in a rectilinear projection. If you use IMGREMAP, the source image
   can be in any projection, but you must specify PRO=RECT to make the
   destination GeoTIFF image a rectilinear projection. IMGFILT, IMGOPER,
   and IMGREMAP save the image with BRIT calibration. IMGCOPY can save it
   with other calibrations by using the UNIT keyword.

   The output file name consists of the descriptor name and position
   number followed by ".tif". For example, the command
   file named GOES0300.tif.

The procedure is pretty easy once you get the hang of it...


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SSN-755786
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed