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[McIDAS #CEY-749460]: Suggested feature additions for CIRCLE and IMGDISP


> re: CIRCLE ---
> I'll change CIRCLE to allow for the following:
> LATlon = CENter   |  center range rings at CENTER of the image frame.
> How's dem apples?

Dems apples is good :-)

> re: IMGDISP ---
> I understand your reluctance. MUG has shifted its attention
> to McIDAS V.

This has always been the case, however.  We have fixed bugs and
added new capabilities only to be informed that we would be
charged to add the bugfixes or new code to core.  This was one
of the reasons (and there were several) that made us head down
the path of developing what evolved into the IDV.

> Question: You are writing the ADDE server for these new
> images ... correct?

I updated the existing nexradir/nexraget servers to handle the
new Level III and TDWR images, an number of which are bzip2
compressed.  The thing I was not able to figure out was how
to add bzip2 to the McIDAS build.  I was told (by you and
others) that Dave Parker needed to do that.

To be clear, the code has been updated and checked into the
SSEC McIDAS CVS.  Check out Inquiry 14708 for details...


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CEY-749460
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed