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[McIDAS #KRH-362919]: MciDAS GOES data inquiry

Hi Weidong,

> Thanks for your suggestion, I just want to see if set up under XP is easier
> because I am more familiar with XP.

I'm more of a Linux guy :-)

> Now I had McIDAS-X running under SUSE Linux, it can run under McIDAS account
> but not the new account I created after Set up McIDAS, it echo can not find
> McIDAS command, does it matter if I run McIDAS under MCIDAS account?

No, not at all.  I assume that your PATH is incorrect for the non-'mcidas'


- is McIDAS installed as user 'mcidas'
- is the HOME directory for 'mcidas' /home/mcidas

If yest to both, then you should be able to follow the instructions in
the Unidata McIDAS support pages to setup the 'mcidas' and other user
accounts to use McIDAS.

> I can see the GOES data through ADDE now but I have not figure out have to
> save it locally.

I have attached a script (goescopy.sh) to this email for you to use/modify.
Put this script in a directory in the PATH of the user you want to use
to copy GOES-East/West images and make sure that the file is set to be
executable (chmod +x goescopy.sh).

If you installed McIDAS in the 'mcidas' account, and if /home/mcidas is
the HOME directory for 'mcidas', then 'goescopy.sh' should be ready to
use.  I would exercise it using, for example:

goescopy.sh EAST NH 4
            ^    ^  ^__ image band
            |    |_____ ADDE dataset descriptor name
            |__________ ADDE dataset group name

This invocation will copy the most current GOES-East band 4 (10.7 um thermal
IR) image from the server (goeseast.unidata.ucar.edu) to an element
in the local ADDE dataset MYDATA/IMAGES in position 3004.


- the script runs the McIDAS DSSERVE command (dsserve.k) to create an ADDE
  dataset of type AREA.  The dataset can have all possible AREA files
  in it (i.e., files named AREA0001, AREA0002, ..., AREA9999).  Because
  of the way that MYDATA/IMAGES is (will be) setup, and because of
  how I defined things in goescopy.sh, IMGCOPYs will result in:

  EAST/<descriptor> BAND=1 - AREA3001 -- 0.65 um visible
                    BAND=2 - AREA3002 --  3.9 um short IR
                    BAND=3 - AREA3003 --  6.5 um water vapor
                    BAND=4 - AREA3004 -- 10.7 um thermal IR
                    BAND=6 - AREA3006 -- 13.3 um co2
  WEST/<descriptor> BAND=1 - AREA3011 -- 0.65 um visible
                    BAND=2 - AREA3012 --  3.9 um short IR
                    BAND=3 - AREA3013 --  6.8 um water vapor
                    BAND=4 - AREA3014 -- 10.7 um thermal IR
                    BAND=5 - AREA3015 -- 12.0 um long IR
  GOES-10 (GOES-South)
  SOUTH/SH          BAND=1 - AREA3021 -- 0.65 um visible
                    BAND=2 - AREA3022 --  3.9 um short IR
                    BAND=3 - AREA3023 --  6.8 um water vapor
                    BAND=4 - AREA3024 -- 10.7 um thermal IR
                    BAND=5 - AREA3025 -- 12.0 um long IR

- the location of the files created by the IMGCOPY run from goescopy.sh
  will be the $MCDATA directory for the user running the script.  This
  will be the ~mcidas/workdata directory if the user is 'mcidas', and
  the ~/mcidas/data directory if the user is not 'mcidas'.

- since the script will always copy specific bands for specific
  satellites to specific output AREA files, it is up to you to add
  some intelligence to the script to rename/move the file somewhere
  else (otherwise, the next time it is run for the same band for the
  same satellite, the previously copied file will be overwritten by
  the new one).  I can help you out with this task as soon as I
  better understand exactly what you want to do.

- the images you copy to your system will be large, so you will
  need to have sufficient disk storage to keep a number online

> But it is really a big progress for us to get the GOES data,
> We really appreciate your help.

No worries.

Please test the script to see if you understand what it is doing.
After you "kick the tires", we can talk about what you think is
needed, or to answer any questions you may have (likely since you
have not had any training in McIDAS).


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KRH-362919
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed

Attachment: goescopy.sh
Description: Bourne shell script