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[Datastream #KNX-863126]: noaaport/conduit decode (cont.)

Hi Kwan,

> Do we have access to any real-time or near-time METEOSAT images
> through ADDE?

Yes, there are two different servers:

ADDE dataset    Server                       Comment
PUB             SATEPSANONE.NESDIS.NOAA.GOV  6-hourly imagery
MET             SATEPSDIST6E.NESDIS.NOAA.GOV full complement; restricted access

satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov is open to the world.  The 6-hourly Meteosat
images they have are the ones that are freely-available to all.

Access to satepsdist6e.nesdis.noaa.gov is restricted to those sites that have
ongoing projects/relationships with NOAA.  Unidata has access to the restricted
NOAA ADDE servers because of the various NOAA projects we have been and
continue to be involved in.

Since you are a NOAA employee, ESPC (the new name for SATEPS) should allow you
access to all of the ADDE servers that they maintain (you must provide the 
address of the machine you will be using). I suggest that you send an email to:

Brian Hughes <address@hidden>

Brian is an active member of the McIDAS Users Group (MUG) at SSEC.  He put me
in touch with the appropriate people to setup ADDE access to the various
ESPC servers several months back.  At the time, those people were:

ESPCoperations <address@hidden>
Ed Ladd <address@hidden>

Ed setup up our access.

For reference, here is the list of ADDE servers and what they supposed
to contain that Brian sent to the MUG mailing list back in February.
Note that the parenthetical comments are Brian's, not mine, and they may
not be valid anymore:

SATEPSDIST1: satepsdist1e.nesdis.noaa.gov
SATEPSDIST2: satepsdist2e.nesdis.noaa.gov
SATEPSDIST3: satepsdist3e.nesdis.noaa.gov
SATEPSDIST4: satepsdist4e.nesdis.noaa.gov
SATEPSDIST5: satepsdist5e.nesdis.noaa.gov
SATEPSDIST6: satepsdist6e.nesdis.noaa.gov
SATEPSANON: satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov

Operational Products:
Application                   Distribution System
McIDAS Model Grids            SATEPSDIST5
AMSU-A                        SATEPSDIST4
AMSU-B                        SATEPSDIST4
QuickScat 12 km               SATEPSDIST4
TRMM                          SATEPSDIST4
SSM/I                         SATEPSDIST4 (Not Ready)
Profiler Winds                SATEPSDIST1
QuikScat Ambig                SATEPSDIST4
SST-RTG                       SATEPSDIST4
FOS (for SATEPS Apps)         FOS2.nesdis.noaa.gov
WindSAT Data                  SATEPSANON  
Meteosat-9/MSG                SATEPSDIST6
Meteosat-5                    SATEPSDIST6
MTSAT-1R                      SATEPSDIST6
GOES-East                     SATEPSDIST2
GOES-West                     SATEPSDIST3
FY-2C                         SATEPSANON
Kalpana                       SATEPSDIST6 (Not Ready)    
ABBA                          SATEPSDIST1
ASOS Soundings                SATEPSDIST1
GOES Composites               SATEPSDIST1
CSBT                          SATEPSDIST1
FIMMA                         SATEPSDIST1 (Not Ready)
Genesis Parameter             SATEPSDIST1 (Not ready)
GICP                          SATEPSDIST1
GOES SST (new Version)        SATEPSDIST1 (Not Ready)
GSIP                          SATEPSDIST1
GOES High Density Winds       SATEPSDIST1 (Not Ready)
Polar Winds                   SATEPSDIST1
Hydro Estimator               SATEPSDIST1
Imager ASOS                   SATEPSDIST1
Imager DPI                    SATEPSDIST1
Polar Mapping                 SATEPSDIST4
Polar Microwave               SATEPSDIST4 (Not Ready)
SFOV                          SATEPSDIST1
Gridded Cloud Product         SATEPSDIST1 (Not Ready)
Sounder DPI (5x5)             SATEPSDIST1
TRaP                          SATEPSDIST1
Volcanic Ash Imagery          SATEPSDIST1
Volcanic Ash PCI              SATEPSDIST1
Low Cloud Base/Fog            SATEPSDIST1 (Not Ready)
GOES-SST -- MTSAT (PreOps)    SATEPSDIST1 (Not Ready)
GASP                          SATEPSDIST1
AutoSnow                      SATEPSDIST1
Smoke Concentrate             SATEPSDIST1

Development Products:      
Polar Winds - MODIS Blended   SATEPSDIST1 (Not Ready)
Polar Blended Microwave TPW   SATEPSDIST4
H-E/Microwave Monitoring      SATEPSANON
GRIB2 Model                   SATEPSDIST5

> I see that IO.SCA.UQAM.CA has ME7 but I'm not sure if that means METEOSAT.

It does, but that dataset was never very well maintained.  In fact, I will
likely remove it from the list of Publically Accessible ADDE servers
for the Unidata McIDAS-X v2008 release.

> Does Unidata archive any METEOSAT data?

No, at least not yet.

> Have a nice July 4th.

You too.

Please let me know if the above was what you were looking for.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KNX-863126
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed