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[McIDAS #XRR-599672]: Configuring scouring of McIDAS data

Hi Samuel,

> O.K, well I guess I'll let that go for a while, hopefully it will stabilize
> in a few days.

OK, your call...

> I've also noticed that there are some AREA files hanging around in 
> /data/ldm/mcidas
> with the filenames of AREA1200-AREA1209, and AREA1190-AREA1199.  These files 
> have a
> modify date of December 3rd, why haven't they been scoured away by now?

The files being saved in the /data/ldm/mcidas directory are done so by way of
McIDAS ROUTEing table processing.  The images are saved in sets of 10 images
and newly received images will overwrite the oldest in each set.  There is, 
no need to scour the images as the maximum number in any set will be 10.

The fact that no new images have been received in the AREA1200-AREA1209 
Hemisphere Wildfire ABBA images), and AREA1190-AREA1199 (Northern Hemisphere 
ABBA images) indicates that there is some process in the injection of new 
images into
the IDD.  I will need to investigate this.

> P.S. there are some .bufr files in the /data/ldm/mcidas/bufr directory that 
> have
> 2007 in their filename, and their access times are greater than 30 days.  
> (E.G.
> /data/ldm/mcidas/bufr/2007348.30.5.0.bufr) should I get rid of these files as 
> well?

Yes.  You should delete those in the same way that you deleted similarly named 


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XRR-599672
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed