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[McIDAS #YAF-607526]: Schema format

Hi Kwan,

> I comiled the program.  But it still could not assign MISS correctly.

This is very strange.  The code that checks for missing values (as specified
by the MISS= keyword) must be off just a bit (e.g., -9999.000001 or 
etc.) making the comparison inexact.  If the values were integers (not floating
point), the conversion might work as it should.

Just to make sure... the version of txt2md.k being used _is_ the newly built
one, correct?

> I saw that the first line in the program showed SSEC.  Does it mean it
> is the SSEC version?

No.  I modify/add to the SSEC version to create the Unidata version.  The
big difference between the two is the support for doing unit conversions
through the UNIT= line).


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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YAF-607526
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed