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[Support #NAB-494698]: Mcidas--Grids not available?

Hi Bill,

I have been meaning to contact you on your model data access through
ADDE.  Please read on...

> I use ADDE.UCAR.EDU for most of my Mcidas data.  Since Sept. 19 I have
> not been able to access the RTGRIDS products.  Did I miss an
> announcement again?

No and sort of...

With the new release of Unidata McIDAS, the latest is v20072, there
is an attempt to transition away from decoding model data into McIDAS GRID 
The replacement is to process the model data in a new way -- filing the GRIB
messages and storing their metadata in a MySQL database for quick access.
This transition was included in the McIDAS-X v2007 release announcement.

That being said I can add that when I upgraded the McIDAS installation on
adde.ucar.edu I did check to make sure that the decoding of model data into
McIDAS GRID files was working.  Evidently, it stopped some time after I last
checked, and I am not sure why.  I will be investigating the problem this 

In the meantime, can I ask you to send me a list of all of the RTGRIDS datasets
that you have been using (e.g., RTGRIDS/GFS, RTGRIDS/NAM, etc.) and which
fields you are using (e.g., T, Z, etc.)?  With this list I can advise you
on what to change in your scripts to move to the new model datasets (e.g.,

Also, until I can figure out why the GRID decoding stopped working on
adde.ucar.edu, I will be asking you to switch your access to one of the
other community ADDE servers.  This switch will need to be in conjunction
with a change in the datasets you access, however, so I need the information
I requested above before we can proceed.  I will send you the access information
in the email advising you of what ADDE datasets to switch to.

> DSINFO GRID RTGRIDS   show the products as usual, but commands such as
> GRDDISP cannot find any current data.

I verified this immediately after seeing your inquiry.  Again, after I upgraded
McIDAS on adde.ucar.edu, the GRID decoding was working.  I am not sure why
it stopped, but I will investigate this morning.

I apologize for the problems...


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NAB-494698
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open