Hi Robert, re: > DMGRID did seem to work. Unfortunately it took the MM5 and WRF and each > different > resolution (there are 5 different ones) and out them all into one 2+GB file, > so I > will have to work on that, So it seems that the database method should work. > Anytime > you get between now and 16 Nov to look at the MySQL issue, just let me know > and I > will test whatever you need me to test. Hopefully, this is not too late to help you... I _think_ I have made the modifications necessary to enable Unidata McIDAS to build with MySQL support. Changes were needed in several files: - in the user's shell-specific definition file (.cshrc for C-shell, TC-shell users; .bash_profile for BASH, SH, and Korn shell users). Examples: non-Conforming shells (e.g., .cshrc) # McINST_ROOT and VENDOR non-conforming shell defines needed to build McIDAS setenv McINST_ROOT $HOME setenv MySQL_ROOT <toplevel directory of MySQL installation if non-standard> setenv VENDOR -g77 if ( -e $HOME/admin/mcidas_env.csh ) then source $HOME/admin/mcidas_env.csh endif Conforming shells (e.g., .profile, .bash_profile, or .kshrc) # McINST_ROOT and VENDOR conforming shell defines needed to bulid McIDAS McINST_ROOT=$HOME MySQL_ROOT=<toplevel directory of MySQL installation if non-standard> VENDOR=-g77 export McINST_ROOT MySQL_ROOT VENDOR if [ -e $HOME/admin/mcidas_env.sh ]; then . $HOME/admin/mcidas_env.sh fi - mcidas_env.csh/mcidas_env.sh installed in the ~mcidas/admin directory: Made modifications to interpret if/how the environment variable MySQL_ROOT was set. - ~mcidas/mcidas2006/makefile Add the MYSQL macro to COMPARGS and LINK macros - ~mcidas/mcidas2006/mccomp.sh Check for /usr/lib64/mysql before /usr/lib/mysql for builds on 64-bit systems that specify that MySQL is installed in a "standard" location (i.e., by the user setting MySQL_ROOT="" in his/her shell-specific definition file) - ~mcidas/mcidas2006/src/CHANGES.2006 Record changes made for MySQL builds I have attached the modified files to this email (except for CHANGES.2006). Please do the following to test them: - make backup copies of all files before using the ones I am sending!!!!! - copy mcidas_env.csh and mcidas_env.sh to ~mcidas/mcidas2006/src - make sure that the versions of mcidas_env.csh and mcidas_env.sh in ~mcidas/admin reflect the new versions copied to ~mcidas/mcidas2006/src (the versions in ~mcidas/admin are links to those in ~mcidas/mcidas2006/src, but depending on how you copy/move the files to the src directory, the links could get broken - modify your shell-specific definition file (e.g., .cshrc, etc.) to include the setting of MySQL_ROOT as per the examples above with the exception that your definition will look like: setenv MySQL_ROOT /opt/csw/mysql4 (This assumes that the MySQL libraires can be found in /opt/csw/mysql4/lib and the MySQL include files can be found in /opt/csw/mysql4/include.) - copy the new versions of makefile and mccomp.sh to the ~mcidas/mcidas2006/src directory (AFTER MAKING A BACKUP COPY OF EACH FILE FIRST!) - clobber your existing build: <as 'mcidas'> cd ~mcidas/mcidas2006/src make clobber - verify that your Unix shell has the following environment variables set: VENDOR=-vendor <- I am assuming you are using the Sun compilers MySQL_ROOT=/opt/csw/mysql4 MYSQL='-mysql=/opt/csw/mysql4' <- MySQL_ROOT is used to define MYSQL; MYSQL is used inside of 'makefile' CFLAGS='-DMySQL_INSTALLED -O' - build and install the distribution: make all make install.all - (re)setup DMBIN filing of GRIB messages as you did before, etc. > Thanks for your help! No worries. Please let me know the results of this test! Cheers, Tom **************************************************************************** Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program (303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000 address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu **************************************************************************** Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: JIN-832252 Department: Support McIDAS Priority: Normal Status: On Hold
Description: Bourne shell script
Description: Bourne shell script
Description: C-Shell script
Description: Binary data