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[McIDAS #TXI-564922]: Re: 20060804: Unidata McIDAS-X/XCD v2006 is now available

Hi Gilbert,

One more support email and then I am heading home :-)

re: download, unpack, and build McIDAS-X v2006
> Done! Well, it will be in a few moments on all 3 machines. :-)

Very good.

re: leave the installation undone until your ADDEIMAGE.xxxx values have been 
into the new format and stored in $MCDATA/ADDEIMAGE.USER.

> OK. How do I do this? (for next week)

Here is what to do:

- move (not copy) ALL of the modified versions of ADDEIMAGE.* (.USER, .SITE, 
  into a backup directory somewhere so you won't lose your work

- install McIDAS v2006:

  <as 'ldm'>
  ldmadmin stop

  <as 'mcidas'>
  cd ~mcidas/mcidas2006/src
  make install.all

  <as 'ldm'>
  ldmadmin start

- put the file you want to reformat into the $MCDATA directory (~mcidas/workdata
  for the user 'mcidas'; ~/mcidas/data for users other than 'mcidas')

- run the mcguiReform.tcl script from the $MCDATA directory as follows:


  Substitute '.USER' or '.SITE' for '.CORE' accordingly.

- Look at the v2006 version of ADDEIMAGE.CORE to get an idea of what the entries
  look like.  Just so you know, the entries are now all of the pieces of
  an IMGDISP command line _without_ the IMGDISP.

- edit your output file (ADDEIMAGE.DAT in this case) and make any modifications
  that are needed using ~mcidas/data/ADDEIMAGE.CORE as a guide

- rename your file from ADDEIMAGE.DAT to ADDEIMAGE.USER.  If you are making
  changes that you want to be usable by all users of McIDAS (I think you
  are the only one at NIU that is using McIDAS, so this probably doesn't
  apply to you, but it might if you run McIDAS from the 'mcidas' account
  AND your own account)

After doing the above, and if the format of your new ADDEIMAGE.USER file is
correct, your MCGUI should offer you the datasets you put into ADDEIMAGE.USER.

NB:  The hierarchy of use of the definition files is ADDEIMAGE.USER definitions
take first precedence; ADDEIMAGE.SITE (which should be put in the ~mcidas/data
directory) take second; and ADDEIMAGE.CORE takes third.

NB:  You should never modify ADDEIMAGE.CORE as this will be overwritten each
time a new McIDAS distribution (or update) is installed.

> Hmmm. OK. I'll back up those files before playing around.

Please move the files out of the ~mcidas/data and ~mcidas/workdata directories.
This move will likely save you headaches.

> Looks like the compiles are heading for successful completion!

Very good.

I'm out of here...


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TXI-564922
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed