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Hi Tom,

> OK. I did the mcinet2005.sh uninstall / install for mcadde.

Very good!  I can now access your remote ADDE server both from
the 'mcidas' account on cacimbo and from my McIDAS-X v2006 development
installation on my home machine.  Success!

> I actually had to run both steps twice. The first time I got the
> following error on the install:
> warning, got duplicate tcp line.
> mcinet2005: WARNING: xinetd not listening
> Try running the script again in a few minutes.


> BTW, did you just change that script?


> When I tried to run it yesterday,
> it hung and I had to manually stop and restart xinetd. This time it
> worked, at least the second time through.

I have never seen this situation before.

> Also, what is the easiest way to make xinetd run a boot?

<as 'root' run the /sbin/chkconfig utility>
chkconfig --levels 345 xinetd on

A system reboot should verify that xinetd will be run automatically.
Alternately, you can look to make sure that startup scripts for
xinetd appear in the various run levels:
ls /etc/rc3.d/*xinet*
ls /etc/rc4.d/*xinet*
ls /etc/rc5.d/*xinet*

In each case, you should see a file whose name begins with an 'S' (S
for start).

> Thanks.

Now that your ADDE server is accessible from remote machines, I will
be able to test the setup for the various datasets you should have.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LMF-659255
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed